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Supervisor Yaroslavsky wants the county to be ready as soon as possible to comply with the Supreme Court ruling. It will be at least 30 days before licenses are issued, officials say.

Marriage license officials across Southern California scrambled Friday to prepare for an anticipated crush of same-sex couples rushing to the altar now that the Supreme Court has lifted the state’s gay marriage ban.

In Los Angeles County, supervisors asked Dean C. Logan, acting registrar-recorder and county clerk, to report back Tuesday on what needs to be done before the order takes effect.

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It’s official: the guys who founded Google are grown up.

That was the pronouncement Thursday from Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt, who was hired in 2001 to provide mature, traditional business savvy to the Internet search company founded by whiz kids Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

“The boys have grown up,” Schmidt told a news conference ahead of the wildly successful company’s annual meeting.

Now billionaires, the two who formed the company, which has the motto “Don’t Be Evil,” were seen as “brilliant young founders,” Schmidt said.

“They now function in the company as the senior executives with the kind of skills and experience –“

“– We wish he had five years ago,” Page said, finishing Schmidt’s thought.

Page, 35, and Brin, who was born in the Soviet Union 34 years ago, made history in their 20s when they set up the Google search engine.

“Now we don’t have to have the same kind of arguments,” said Schmidt, who at 53 qualifies as an old man by the standards of the youthful Google campus.

“In fact, they really are running the companies that they founded at the scale and with the insights that you would expect of people who are no longer young founders but are mature business leaders,” he offered.

Brin and Page ranked as number 32 and 33 on Forbes’ 2008 list of billionaires, with more than $18 billion each, but Thursday they downplayed the effects of overwhelming wealth.

“I don’t think at a certain scale it matters, but I do have a pretty good toy budget now,” Brin said when asked about how vast wealth had changed his life. “I just got a new monitor.”

Page mentioned an even more modest benefit: “I don’t have to do laundry.”

To which Schmidt, who favors a more traditional coat and tie to the founders’ more casual dress, replied: “I think the clothes are pretty much the same.”

Brin wore a black pullover shirt. Page wore a black jacket over a gray pullover shirt.

“Those aspects of their personalities have not changed,” Schmidt said. “They care a lot about the principles of the company. They don’t care a lot about the other things.”


Both Page and Brin got married over the past year but closely guard their personal lives. At the news conference, both said their work lives had certainly changed.

“One thing is that we have 10 or 20,000 people to help us,” Brin said. “Certainly I am not pulling all-nighters all the time like we were when we were in the garage, when we were only three or four people doing everything.”

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Capitol Hill insiders say the battle for congressional superdelegates is over, and one Senate supporter of Barack Obama is hinting strongly that he has prevailed over Hillary Rodham Clinton.

While more than 80 Democrats in the House and Senate have yet to state their preferences in the race for the Democratic nomination, sources said Tuesday that most of them have already made up their minds and have told the campaigns where they stand.

“The majority of superdelegates I’ve talked to are committed, but it is a matter of timing,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.). “They’re just preferring to make their decision public after the primaries are over. … They would like someone else to act for them before they talk about it in the cold light of day.”

Obama currently holds an 18-13 lead among committed superdelegates in the Senate, while Clinton holds a 77-74 lead in the House. Asked which way the committed-but-unannounced superdelegates are leaning, McCaskill — who has endorsed Obama — said: “James Brown would say, ‘I Feel Good.'”

Just this morning, Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley announced he would be supporting Obama, while Bill George, president of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, came out for Clinton.

UPDATE: More superdelegates declare. Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) has announced her support for Obama right here on HuffPost, and Indiana Rep. Baron Hill will endorse Obama tonight.

Meanwhile, Marc Ambinder reports:

Chelsea Clinton just bagged a superdelegate for her mother. The youngest Clinton is campaigning today in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A few moments ago, at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, Luisette Cabanas, an unpledged superdelegate, announced her support for Clinton, giving the campaign the majority of automatic** delegates on the island.

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After a months-long standoff, Microsoft and Yahoo are now engaged in active merger talks, people involved in the discussions said Friday.

Microsoft, which had threatened to abandon its bid, has increased its offer “by several dollars” per share, one of those involved said.

A deal, however, was not close Friday night, these people said.

The merger talks represent an enormous breakthrough after weeks of behind-the-scenes discussions without any progress. The exact terms being discussed could not be learned.

The talks would explain the public silence from Microsoft this week. It has refused to disclose its plans, despite its earlier threat to start a proxy contest if Yahoo did not reach a deal with it by last Saturday.

A person involved in the talks cautioned that they could still be postponed or collapse entirely.

Shares of Yahoo rallied on news of the renewed talks. They closed at $28.67, up $1.86, or almost 7 percent. Microsoft shares edged down slightly.

Some Yahoo shareholders said that the flurry of phone calls they are receiving from both Yahoo and Microsoft has intensified. The two companies have been trying to find out what price large shareholders would find acceptable.

In recent days, Microsoft has privately raised the possibility of increasing its offer, currently valued at about $29.30 a share, to as much as $33.

Some shareholders have signaled they are holding out for more than $35. One shareholder said he believed an offer of $34 would probably be sufficient to consummate a deal.

Microsoft and Yahoo declined to comment.

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