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Megan Fox (Click to see photos of the top ten in FHM's Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.) Ruelas/AP

Megan Fox (Click to see photos of the top ten in FHM’s Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.)

The blue-eyed beauty from “Transformers” has landed at the top of FHM’s sexy list.

Megan Fox, 21, beat out the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie to get the No. 1 spot in FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.

“Megan is the deserving winner of this year’s FHM title,” said FHM Online U.S. Editor JR Futrell. “She’s young, she’s hot, she’s a rising star and her sex appeal has definitely transformed this year’s list. She’s got a great future ahead of her.”

Fox has slowly worked her way up the list in the last two years. She originally premiered on it in 2006 at No. 68. In 2007, she crawled up three spots to 65.

Her sudden leap to the top came largely because of her sexy turn in Michael Bay‘s robot-smashing “Transformers,” as the love interest to Shia LaBeouf. It was a far cry from her more wholesome role as the older daughter on the ABC family sitcom, “Hope & Faith,” starring Faith Ford and Kelly Ripa.

Joining Fox on the list’s top ten are Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Duff and “Battlestar Galactica” star Tricia Helfer. Last year’s topper, Jessica Alba, fell to No. 3 on the list.

Britney Spears came in at No. 100.

According to FHM, nearly 9 million votes were cast by readers in this, their 14th annual top 100. Other actresses considered “sexy” by voters were Lindsay Lohan (16), Cameron Diaz (18), Beyonce Knowles (20), Jennifer Aniston (42), Eva Longoria Parker (59), Fergie (60), Katie Holmes (65), and Paris Hilton (77).

For the full list, go to

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Posted on: May 2, 2008

Jessica Simpson
Aw, is John Mayer scoring points with ex-girlfriend and former MTV reality star Jessica Simpson or what? While Jessica Simpson is taking lots o’ flak for boyfriend Tony Romo’s poor football performance, John Mayer is sticking up for the pop (or is it country?) singer/actress.

Jessica Simpson has been rumored to put a “Jessica Jinx” on Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys, but John Mayer comes to her defense, writing in his blog:

“I don’t really follow sports, but I have played some of my biggest and best concerts in your state, and having witnessed how dynamic the spirit there is, I’m betting emotions are running high right about now.

All witty barbs, blogs, and fashion policing aside, that girl loves Texas more than you know. It’s one of her most defining traits as a person. So please don’t try and take that away from her. (You probably wouldn’t be able to, but it’s less work for all involved.)

I just thought it would mean something coming from the guy who has the absolute least to gain from this. And if I’m out of line in having written it, too bad. I can spare a Wednesday’s worth of bad press if it means sticking up for a good soul.”

PostSouce Link

Now we’re down to the top 20 most beautiful women in all of sports. Things are starting to get a lot hot and smoky, if you know what we mean…

20. Amy Taylor

Amy Taylor soccer

Amy was a soccer player with the Australian national team, and she played on the United States professionally as well. Back in 2000 she posed for a nude calendar with her team mates. Too bad we could not include the whole team here!

19. Kristi Leskinen

Kristi Leskinen skier

Kristi is an American freestyle skier, and she won a bronze in the Women’s Superpipe competition. More impressive yet is the fact that she figured at the 90 position of the FHM “sexiest women of 2005″ list.

18. Anna Rawson

Anna Rawson golfer

This is the third golfer to appear in our list (yeah, I am also wondering if I should start playing that…). She started modeling at a very young age, and in 2004 she became a professional player. She has 26 years, and was born in Australia.

17. Kristina Lum

Kristina Lum olympic swimmer

Kristina is an Olympic synchronized swimmer. She was one of the first female swimmers to use a male partner. Well, I am not that good with synchronized movements underwater, but I volunteer myself as well….

16. Tatiana Grigorieva

Tatiana Grigorieva pole vault

As you can see we are starting to enter into the “really hot” zone. Tatiana was born in Russia, but she competes for Australia on the pole vault discipline. She is a bombshell, what can I say?

15. Logan Tom

Logan Tom volleyball

Logan is one of the most complete American volleyball players (and one of the sexiest, we might add). She was born in California, and that is where she currently lives.

14. Elisabetta Canalis

Elisabetta Canalis soccer

If you are not familiar with the Italian culture, let me summarize it this way: Elisabeta Canalis is one of the most desired women on the whole country. What is her connection with the world of sports you might ask? Well, she used to date famous soccer player Christian Vieri, and she also became the presenter of a soccer TV program. (Do yourself a favor a search the Google images for her name…)

13. Ana Paula Mancino

Ana Paula Mancino volleyball

Brazil also has hot bodies, and this girl is the proof. Ana Paula was born in 1971, and she started playing volleyball at the age of 12. When she was 19 she moved to Italy to play with the Campobasso team.

12. Niki Gudex

Niki Gudex mountain biker

Niki is a professional mountain biker. She lives in Sydney, Australia. Apart from competing in that sport she is also a model. The magazine FHM included her on the “100 Sexiest Women in the World” list on 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2005. Nice!

11. Malia Jones

Malia Jones surfer

You cant make a list with hot women without including a surfer, right? Malia was born in 1977 in Hawaii, and many people say that she contributed to raise the interest on the sport among young girls. Well, she got me interested as well.

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Posted on: March 30, 2008

She’s been a wild child even for Girls Gone Wild, and posed half-naked for The New York Post, but so far no photo of Ashley Alexandra Dupre nude has been found.

The same may be true even now.

However, thanks to the unending labor of, we have found what some believe are the first Ashley Dupre nude pictures. Possibly.

The photo below was allegedly taken from the Emperor’s Club VIP web site, and shows what appears to be a naked Ashley Alexandra Dupre.

We can’t be certain about this, though, because hiding the escort’s face is typical practice for such sites. For obvious reasons, of course.

Still, check it out and see for yourself. Some believe this girl and the hooker caught in the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal are one and the same …

Ashley Gone Wild

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, or “Amber,” with the Girls Gone Wild gang.

A possible picture of Ashley Dupre naked. Yee-haw.

Whether or not this is Ashley Dupre, does it strike you as something you’d want to shell out $4,300 for? If you want to go home with a short girl with fake boobs, there are about two million of those in the state of New Jersey. Just saying.

Follow this link to see more photos of her at Egotastic

“You might as well show off what you have before you don’t have it any more!” – Ashley Alexandra Dupre

With those words, the then-teenager who allegedly became “Kristen,” New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s high-priced prostitute, told a Palm Beach Post reporter why she was flaunting her now famous assets for the cameras of Girls Gone Wild.

The place: Miami Beach’s Chesterfield Hotel.
The time: A sweaty afternoon in mid-March 2003.
The star: Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 17, introducing herself as the newest Girls Gone Wild star, “Amber.” She said she was 21, from New Jersey and recently worked as a waitress in North Carolina.

She was already turning heads.

During many hours of drunken revelry at a hotel filmed by Girls Gone Wild, Ashley Dupre photos and video – replete with topless antics and suggestive dancing – were captured for one of the tapes that made Joe Francis a multi-millionaire.

And a man facing up to 10 years in federal prison and many more than that in the fiery pits of hell, but that’s a subject for another time.

Earlier this week, Girls Gone Wild offered her $1 million to pose in her birthday suit. Then the seedy company discovered it didn’t have to shell out the money: Its archives contained 5-year-old footage and pictures of Ashley Dupre.

But even for the producers and cameramen who traveled across America with the single goal of finding drunk girls willing to lift up their shirts, “Amber” took the party to a place where even Girls Gone Wild won’t go.

Ashley Dupre hopped on a table in the middle of a hotel lobby crammed with frat boys and launched into a raunchy strip-tease. That’s when the camera crew packed up and returned to their monster bus to leave town.

Continue reading in the Palm Beach Post

The Kate Bosworth sex scene with Jim Sturgess for their new movie, 21, is pretty hot. Just don’t ask Kate for too many the details.

“We were both so drunk,” the actress star said. “Jim and I became such good friends, we decided to have a couple of drinks, loosen up and go for it.”

The on-set action is also pretty vague for Jim Sturgess.

“We were on Grey Goose, I think,” said the British actor. “It was brilliant for about half and an hour. As we continued to drink … it just became sloppy and messy. I couldn’t stand up at one point.”

One wonders if she takes the same approach with boyfriend James Rousseau.

Pretty Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth remembers little of this Kate Bosworth nude scene.

The rail-thin actress would be probably pretty easy to liquor up, you would probably think, although you might be surprised – Sturgess recently told Marie Claire in an interview that Bosworth can actually “drink anyone under the table.”

“Get a couple in her, and she’s definitely a very fun and crazy girl,” echoed another of Kate’s 21 co-stars, Josh Gad.

Minnesota Timberwolves star Marko Jaric is “over the moon” about his new love, Victoria’s Secret supermodel Adriana Lima. But don’t believe celebrity gossip that he’s shopping for engagement rings. At least not yet.

The couple have been dating for the last six months, but Marko Jaric says he was perplexed by recent celebrity news sites’ reports talking about him checking out local jewelry stores for a rock for Adriana Lima.

“I am not shopping right now,” the 29-year-old Serbian Sensation said.

“But I could start tomorrow. I am that close. I’m definitely not yet engaged, but it doesn’t mean we’re not thinking about it.”

Adriana Lima, Marko Jaric

Marko Jaric may not hit many jump shots, but he’s hitting Adriana Lima.

When the time comes, however, the entire process may come as a surprise.

“I would rather keep that my own secret,” says Marko Jaric, who averages a pedestrian 7.7 points and 2.9 rebounds per game career.

“It’s a life decision … a private thing.”

Jaric admits he’s not normally such a romantic, but being with a Brazilian supermodel like Adriana Lima has changed him. Funny how that will do it.

“I was not the person to fall in love easily. I am a difficult person from that standpoint,” he says. “Now, it’s a little different situation.”

Just give it time. This guy is so smitten it’s not even funny. In a few months these two will be engaged just like Jamie Lynn Spears and Casey Aldridge. Watch.