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Sex during the spin cycle's a big hit on screen, but in a grimy apartment laundry room where an elderly neighbor might walk in?

Sex during the spin cycle’s a big hit on screen, but in a grimy apartment laundry room where an elderly neighbor might walk in?

An old sexual trend is new again – washing-machine sex. On television, in movies, even in ads on the subway, appliance sex is causing a spin-cycle commotion.

Sadly, this is one exploit the apartment-dwelling ladies of New York City will have a difficult time enjoying. I learned this in my own laundry room.

But while Davidson specializes in fearless sex, there’s a lot of anxiety to account for when getting dirty while cleaning.

A full wash and a spin cycle takes about an hour. The ideal time to maximize the vibration level of your appliance is about 40 minutes into your cycle. Timing is key.

Sure, the idea of a spontaneous romp on a whirling washer sounds supersexy, but in practice, it really is too much trouble to do your delicates in the laundry room.

Problem No. 1: New Yorkers have communal laundry areas. These are usually in the basement of your apartment building, an area that abounds with mice and roaches and God knows what else. One look at my grimy ground floor and the mood was quickly squelched.

Problem No. 2: Lots of New Yorkers do their laundry at night, so if you think you can sneak downstairs for a quickie around midnight, you just might run into your 65-year-old neighbor washing his sheets. That was awkward.

Problem No. 3: New York City washing machines are usually stacked with dryers to conserve space. You can perform a careful lean, and some creative yoga positions, while the clothes are tumbling, but you can’t exactly maximize the vibration effect.

And while the thought of throwing your girlfriend down on the washing machine and going at it with abandon may seem like a fantasy right out of the “Stepford Wives,” some guys seem to have an irrational fear of the spin cycle.

As we considered taking the plunge into appliance sex, my partner in crime, already skeptical of the communal laundry room in my basement, raised another concern.

“Men don’t like things that vibrate,” he said matter of factly. “We are scared of them.”

Why is that?

“We just don’t want them anywhere near our (privates)!”

And that was the end of that. Ladies, if you want to get it on on the Maytag, move to the suburbs and find a guy who isn’t afraid to give his boys a shake.

Though, come to think of it, the woman who works at the drop-off Laundromat is probably the cheeriest lady on my block. Maybe there is something to it.

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YES by Hilton Hater

In a world of sex tapes and naked photos, Miley Cyrus is as pure as a fresh snowfall.

The allegedly racy photos of the young singer never depict her in anything less than underwear. That would be considered bundling up for truly promiscuous celebs such as Tila Tequila.

If Miley says she’s a virgin, I see no reason to disbelieve her. What proof does anyone have to the contrary? A Vanity Fair photo shoot featuring her covered by a sheet?


Aside from Cyrus’ word, let’s look at her schedule. She’s often on tour. She’s the star of her own TV show. When would Miley even have time to find a boyfriend and build up the sort of trust needed to allow him into her precious garden of love?

Miley Cyrus has given us such hit songs as “7 Things” and “See You Again.”

The least we can do in return is give her the benefit of the virginal doubt.

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The head coach for the Patriots allegedly has a sex tape with the married woman he had an affair with. Groan! That’s pretty much the typical reaction when anyone hears about this.

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Teenage boy using the internet, SPL

It will become harder for adults to search for site users under 18

Sex offenders’ e-mail addresses are to be passed to social networking sites like Facebook and Bebo to prevent them contacting children.

Under government proposals, offenders who do not give police their address – or give a false one – would face up to five years in jail.

Websites would be expected to monitor the e-mail address usage or block them accessing the sites.

The Home Office said the new laws would apply to about 30,000 sex offenders.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she wanted children to be “free from fear”.

“We need to patrol the internet to keep predators away from children in the same way as we patrol the real world,” she told GMTV.

Industry co-operation

Children’s charities have welcomed the measures, but others say the internet cannot be policed.

The exact details of the monitoring system will be worked out by the government’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) centre and internet firms.

Ceop already tries to police the internet, investigating 400 reports every month from children experiencing some form of abuse online.

Display links to organisations such as Ceop, NSPCC, Samaritans and others so abuse can be reported or users can quickly get help
Arrange for net firms and police forces to share reports of potentially illegal and suspicious behaviour
Make it more difficult for people registered as being over 18 to search for and contact users who are under 18
Work to ensure children do not share too much personal information

The Home Office said it had been in talks with internet firms including MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Piczo and Yahoo.

The home secretary told BBC News: “I have been very encouraged by the willingness of industry to actually work with us.

“They want children and young people to be safe when they’re using their sites. They want to make sure people get the benefits whilst we minimise the risks.”

She said she accepted such a scheme could never be “completely foolproof” but did not see that as a reason not to try.

The move comes after a survey by telecoms regulator Ofcom found nearly half of children aged from eight to 17 had a profile on a social-networking site.

And a third of those aged nine to 19 who used the internet weekly had received sexual comments via e-mail, instant message, chat or text message, the survey indicated.

‘Inappropriate uses’

A Facebook spokesman said it used technology and social factors to promote a safe and trusted environment for users.

Responsibility for online behaviour was established through a real-name culture instead of a screen-name culture, he said.

Users were provided with easy reporting links for offensive material and extensive privacy controls and there were aggressive service levels set for dealing with reports of inappropriate behaviour.

Technology was deployed to detect inappropriate use of the site directed at children, he added.

Annie Mullins, chairman of the Home Office task force on child protection and the internet, said it would not be easy to bar registered child sex offenders from social networking sites.

She said it was important to consider the security issues of any list and how that list was transferred and managed by a third party.

“The most important thing is that parents engage with their children, use the software that is available and keep an ongoing dialogue.”

We need to ensure that safety measures in cyber space are as stringent as they are in the wider world

Diana Sutton

Plans to force sex offenders to register their e-mail addresses and chatroom names were first announced last year by the then home secretary, John Reid.

Some of the main concerns with the measures are how to prevent sex offenders from having multiple e-mail addresses that may not be registered.

The Home Office said offenders who use any e-mail address that has not been given to the police, face up to five years in prison.

Further concerns surround working with websites based abroad over which the UK has no jurisdiction. Both Facebook and MySpace are based in California.

Children’s charities the NCH and the NSPCC welcomed the new measures.

Shaun Kelly, of NCH, said they would add protection for children using the internet.

“It will mean that those who have previously offended against children will be stopped from accessing certain websites and certain social networking sites that children and young people are known to use.”

Diana Sutton, head of policy at the NSPCC, said: ¿Many sex offenders will go to extraordinary lengths to access children, and we need to ensure that safety measures in cyber space are as stringent as they are in the wider world.”

But Donald Findlater, from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, which works with survivors and perpetrators of child sex abuse, warned that banning sex offenders could be counterproductive.

“Sex offenders need to be encouraged to live good lives too, and by stopping them using a technology that actually means they can’t communicate with other adults… may rebound badly on those individuals.”

The government guidance contains recommendations for service providers and safety advice for first-time users.

It also includes:

  • Arrangements for the industry and law enforcement agencies to share reports of potentially illegal activity and suspicious behaviour
  • Making it more difficult for people registered over the age of 18 to search for users under the age of 18
  • Encouraging children not to provide excessive information about themselves
  • Social-networking sites including links to organisations such as Ceop, the NSPCC and the Samaritans so users can get help or report potential problems easily

Other government measures include a “kitemark” for filtering software.

Chief Executive of Ceop Jim Gamble said the guidance had the “real potential to accelerate online child protection”.

“It will provide parents with those crucial indicators as to which sites and providers they should be using, allowing children the chance to get on and enjoy the full benefits of the internet with vital reassurance.”

Are you concerned about safety online? Have you or your child been targeted through the internet? Send us your comments

She’s been a wild child even for Girls Gone Wild, and posed half-naked for The New York Post, but so far no photo of Ashley Alexandra Dupre nude has been found.

The same may be true even now.

However, thanks to the unending labor of, we have found what some believe are the first Ashley Dupre nude pictures. Possibly.

The photo below was allegedly taken from the Emperor’s Club VIP web site, and shows what appears to be a naked Ashley Alexandra Dupre.

We can’t be certain about this, though, because hiding the escort’s face is typical practice for such sites. For obvious reasons, of course.

Still, check it out and see for yourself. Some believe this girl and the hooker caught in the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal are one and the same …

Ashley Gone Wild

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, or “Amber,” with the Girls Gone Wild gang.

A possible picture of Ashley Dupre naked. Yee-haw.

Whether or not this is Ashley Dupre, does it strike you as something you’d want to shell out $4,300 for? If you want to go home with a short girl with fake boobs, there are about two million of those in the state of New Jersey. Just saying.

Follow this link to see more photos of her at Egotastic

“You might as well show off what you have before you don’t have it any more!” – Ashley Alexandra Dupre

With those words, the then-teenager who allegedly became “Kristen,” New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s high-priced prostitute, told a Palm Beach Post reporter why she was flaunting her now famous assets for the cameras of Girls Gone Wild.

The place: Miami Beach’s Chesterfield Hotel.
The time: A sweaty afternoon in mid-March 2003.
The star: Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 17, introducing herself as the newest Girls Gone Wild star, “Amber.” She said she was 21, from New Jersey and recently worked as a waitress in North Carolina.

She was already turning heads.

During many hours of drunken revelry at a hotel filmed by Girls Gone Wild, Ashley Dupre photos and video – replete with topless antics and suggestive dancing – were captured for one of the tapes that made Joe Francis a multi-millionaire.

And a man facing up to 10 years in federal prison and many more than that in the fiery pits of hell, but that’s a subject for another time.

Earlier this week, Girls Gone Wild offered her $1 million to pose in her birthday suit. Then the seedy company discovered it didn’t have to shell out the money: Its archives contained 5-year-old footage and pictures of Ashley Dupre.

But even for the producers and cameramen who traveled across America with the single goal of finding drunk girls willing to lift up their shirts, “Amber” took the party to a place where even Girls Gone Wild won’t go.

Ashley Dupre hopped on a table in the middle of a hotel lobby crammed with frat boys and launched into a raunchy strip-tease. That’s when the camera crew packed up and returned to their monster bus to leave town.

Continue reading in the Palm Beach Post

The Kate Bosworth sex scene with Jim Sturgess for their new movie, 21, is pretty hot. Just don’t ask Kate for too many the details.

“We were both so drunk,” the actress star said. “Jim and I became such good friends, we decided to have a couple of drinks, loosen up and go for it.”

The on-set action is also pretty vague for Jim Sturgess.

“We were on Grey Goose, I think,” said the British actor. “It was brilliant for about half and an hour. As we continued to drink … it just became sloppy and messy. I couldn’t stand up at one point.”

One wonders if she takes the same approach with boyfriend James Rousseau.

Pretty Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth remembers little of this Kate Bosworth nude scene.

The rail-thin actress would be probably pretty easy to liquor up, you would probably think, although you might be surprised – Sturgess recently told Marie Claire in an interview that Bosworth can actually “drink anyone under the table.”

“Get a couple in her, and she’s definitely a very fun and crazy girl,” echoed another of Kate’s 21 co-stars, Josh Gad.

I’m fairly certain one reason that the French director Olivier Assayas made “Boarding Gate” is that he wanted to watch the Italian actress Asia Argento strut around in black underwear and punishing heels. And why not? Ms. Argento looks delectable if somewhat demented in “Boarding Gate,” in which she comes across as a postmodern Pearl White, who starred in silent adventure serials like “The Perils of Pauline.” Ms. Argento seems to invite trouble, and Mr. Assayas, who has a way of capturing the seemingly ineffable, has a thing for troubled, troubling women
“Boarding Gate,” a casually beautiful, preposterously plotted, elliptical thriller, earned little love last year when it played at the Cannes Film Festival, where it was shown out of competition. It didn’t do much for Mr. Assayas’s reputation, at least among some critics, who had been just as eager to dismiss his other recent films, among them “Clean” (2004) and the much-maligned “demonlover” (2002).
What “Boarding Gate” did do was reconfirm Ms. Argento as one of contemporary cinema’s most fascinating creatures. Her on-screen ferocity is now generating as much interest as her tattoos — an angel hovers above her pubic bone, and an eye stares out from one shoulder — or the ease with which she sheds her clothes, which explains why I can describe those tattoos with confidence.