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Megan Fox (Click to see photos of the top ten in FHM's Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.) Ruelas/AP

Megan Fox (Click to see photos of the top ten in FHM’s Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.)

The blue-eyed beauty from “Transformers” has landed at the top of FHM’s sexy list.

Megan Fox, 21, beat out the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Angelina Jolie to get the No. 1 spot in FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World for 2008.

“Megan is the deserving winner of this year’s FHM title,” said FHM Online U.S. Editor JR Futrell. “She’s young, she’s hot, she’s a rising star and her sex appeal has definitely transformed this year’s list. She’s got a great future ahead of her.”

Fox has slowly worked her way up the list in the last two years. She originally premiered on it in 2006 at No. 68. In 2007, she crawled up three spots to 65.

Her sudden leap to the top came largely because of her sexy turn in Michael Bay‘s robot-smashing “Transformers,” as the love interest to Shia LaBeouf. It was a far cry from her more wholesome role as the older daughter on the ABC family sitcom, “Hope & Faith,” starring Faith Ford and Kelly Ripa.

Joining Fox on the list’s top ten are Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Duff and “Battlestar Galactica” star Tricia Helfer. Last year’s topper, Jessica Alba, fell to No. 3 on the list.

Britney Spears came in at No. 100.

According to FHM, nearly 9 million votes were cast by readers in this, their 14th annual top 100. Other actresses considered “sexy” by voters were Lindsay Lohan (16), Cameron Diaz (18), Beyonce Knowles (20), Jennifer Aniston (42), Eva Longoria Parker (59), Fergie (60), Katie Holmes (65), and Paris Hilton (77).

For the full list, go to

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Jessica Simpson
Aw, is John Mayer scoring points with ex-girlfriend and former MTV reality star Jessica Simpson or what? While Jessica Simpson is taking lots o’ flak for boyfriend Tony Romo’s poor football performance, John Mayer is sticking up for the pop (or is it country?) singer/actress.

Jessica Simpson has been rumored to put a “Jessica Jinx” on Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys, but John Mayer comes to her defense, writing in his blog:

“I don’t really follow sports, but I have played some of my biggest and best concerts in your state, and having witnessed how dynamic the spirit there is, I’m betting emotions are running high right about now.

All witty barbs, blogs, and fashion policing aside, that girl loves Texas more than you know. It’s one of her most defining traits as a person. So please don’t try and take that away from her. (You probably wouldn’t be able to, but it’s less work for all involved.)

I just thought it would mean something coming from the guy who has the absolute least to gain from this. And if I’m out of line in having written it, too bad. I can spare a Wednesday’s worth of bad press if it means sticking up for a good soul.”

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