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TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran said on Saturday it would not back down “one iota” in its nuclear row with major powers, voicing defiance on the day of an informal deadline set by the West over Tehran’s disputed atomic ambitions.

Western officials gave Tehran two weeks from July 19 to respond to their offer to hold off from imposing more U.N. sanctions on Iran if it froze any expansion of its nuclear work.

That would suggest a deadline of Saturday but Iran, which has repeatedly ruled out curbing its nuclear activities, dismissed the idea of having two weeks to reply.

The West accuses Iran of seeking to build nuclear warheads under cover of a civilian power program. Iran, the world’s fourth-largest oil producer, denies the charge.

“In whichever negotiation we take part … it is unequivocally with the view to the realization of Iran’s nuclear right and the Iranian nation would not retreat one iota from its rights,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said.

He made the remark in a statement posted on the presidential website after talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Assad visited Tehran a few weeks after he said in Paris he would respond to French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s request and use his good relations with the Islamic Republic to help resolve the nuclear stand-off.

The statement quoted the Syrian leader as saying that based on international agreements, all countries had the right to enrich uranium and have nuclear power stations. Continued…

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Microsoft has opened a new front in the battle with Google, the search engine group, in the increasingly ferocious struggle for control of the online services market.

The software giant has said that users of its popular e-mail and instant messaging tools on mobile phones will display advertisements for the first time. Those using Windows Live on phones will also see ads.

Mobile telephony is regarded as an increasingly important component of the digital advertising market as new devices, such as Apple’s iPhone, improve the use of web-based services.

While it represents a small part of spending on digital advertising, it has significant potential because of the ability for advertising to be coupled with location using GPS.

Microsoft bought ScreenTonic, an advertising platform, which was an early leader in delivering advertisements to mobile phones, for an undisclosed sum last year.

Microsoft, whose share of the search market has slipped as Google’s has grown, is trying to recover the initiative in the online advertising market, which is expected to double in size to $80 billion by 2010.

Google has built a $20 billion (£10.2 billion)-a-year business from online advertising, mostly from sponsored links next to search results. It began testing a mobile version of its search-based advertising service in 2006.

Mobile advertising spending in Western Europe is expected to rise from $1 billion in 2007 to $1.5 billion this year, according to eMarketer, the research firm.


After vague statements over the last weeks about internal investments that will allow it to compete in search without Yahoo, Microsoft on Wednesday laid out more of its vision for improving on its current “underdog” position in search.

While describing some new search technologies from Microsoft and some future ideas, executives were also cautious to repeat that theirs is a long-term vision that may take a while to spell success for the company. They spoke during an annual get together for advertisers, this year hosted on Microsoft’s campus in Redmond, Washington.

“I have to say, it’s kind of fun to be the underdog,” Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates confessed. The company has put an unusual effort toward building the team that’s working on search, he said. “We’ve done more on this to build a great team then on any effort I can remember,” he said.

Users should expect to see new features every six months from Microsoft’s search group, he said. “We have a long-term commitment,” Gates said. The company is willing to experiment, he said.

Wednesday’s launch of Cashback represents the latest new feature. When Web users search for a product on, results may feature a Cashback tag. If users end up buying a product with the tag, they’ll receive money back.

Microsoft expects that the concept will create a whole new business model, though it also expects that it might take some time for it to shake up the industry. “We understand this is a journey. When you change the user experience or business model, it takes time to percolate through to behavior changes,” said Satya Nadella, senior vice president of the search, portal and advertising platform group at Microsoft.

Gates pointed out how Cashback is different than existing search advertising methods. “In search, when you get those ads, in a sense you don’t get anything back in return,” he said. That compares to other media like TV or radio, where in exchange for advertisements, viewers and listeners get content.

Cashback “gives you a reason why you should use a particular search,” he said.

Over 700 merchants including eBay, Barnes and Noble, Sears, Circuit City, Home Depot,, and Kmart have signed up to advertise as part of the Cashback program. “That confirms there is this opportunity for change,” Gates said.

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Epic Gillmor Gang today. Everyone went in with guns blazing over the data portability/ownership debate that has spilled out over the Facebook/Google scuffle. DataPortability founder Chris Saad was also on the call, but failed to take a leadership position in the debate (he did, however, weigh in with a blog post on the subject before the call). Their influence may be waning.

As the podcast ended the blog posts started rolling in.

Marc Canter, who I accuse of compromising his position as a thought leader in the data portability debate simply because Facebook is suddenly telling him everything he wants to hear, says that his position hasn’t changed (nevertheless, it has). Robert Scoble simply apologized for being on the wrong side of the issue, yet again. And Dan Farber, a Gillmor Gang regular who missed the call, picked up on the analogy to the founding fathers writing the Bill of Rights and wrote about it here.

All in all, the group seems to be in alignment after the talk. Data ownership is an important issue that cannot be left in the big co.’s hands. Because if it is, they’ll serve their interests first, and that will lead to more walled gardens.

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A landfill site

Food waste contributes to landfill, creating methane gas

People are needlessly throwing away 3.6m tonnes of food each year in England and Wales, research suggests.

The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) found that salad, fruit and bread were most commonly wasted and 60% of all dumped food was untouched.

The study analysed the waste disposed of by 2,138 households.

Environment Minister Joan Ruddock said the findings were “staggering” at a time of global food shortages and WRAP added it was an environmental issue.

‘Value of food’

The study found that £9bn of avoidable food waste was disposed of in England and Wales each year.

It is mostly food that could have been consumed if it had been better stored or managed, or had not been left uneaten on a plate.

Much of that food waste goes into landfill rather than into council food disposal and composting programmes, it said.

There are climate change costs to all of us of growing, processing, packaging, transporting, and refrigerating food that only ends up in the bin

Joan Ruddock, Environment Minister

Based on the data for England and Wales, WRAP estimated that householders across the UK throw away £10.2bn of avoidable food waste every year.

Using the same extrapolation, they also estimated the average UK household needlessly throws away 18% of all food purchased. Families with children throw away 27%.

The study also suggested £1bn worth of food wasted in the UK was still “in date”.

Nearly a quarter, in terms of cost, was disposed of because the “use by” or “best before” date had expired.

Liz Goodwin, chief executive of WRAP, said food waste had “a significant environmental impact.

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“What shocked me the most was the cost of our food waste at a time of rising food bills, and generally a tighter pull on our purse strings,” Ms Goodwin said.

“It highlights that this is an economic and social issue, as well as about how much we understand the value of our food.”

Yoghurts and chickens

The study also found that:

  • Bakery goods made up 19%, by weight, of all avoidable food waste. Vegetables contributed 18%.
  • Meat and fish also made up a large proportion – 18% – of the total money wasted on food. WRAP said 5,500 whole chickens were thrown away each day in the UK.


    This amount of waste is truly disgusting

    Mark, UK

  • “Mixed foods” like ready meals made up 21% of the total cost of waste, with 440,000 thrown away each day.
  • The two most significantly wasted foods that could have been eaten were potatoes and bread
  • Yoghurt was a commonly abandoned product, with an estimated 1.3m unopened pots disposed of each day.

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May 5 (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp.‘s decision to drop its pursuit of Yahoo! Inc. increases the pressure on Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer to make his money-losing Internet business succeed against Google Inc.

Ballmer’s bid for Yahoo, the most-visited Web site, signaled that Microsoft was making little progress against Google in Internet search advertising, said Charles Di Bona, a Sanford C. Bernstein analyst. Ballmer withdrew his bid over the weekend after Yahoo refused a sweetened offer of almost $50 billion in stock, leaving investors asking what his online strategy will be.

“They’ve got to come out sooner rather than later with a pretty well articulated vision,” said New York-based Di Bona.

The danger for Microsoft is that Google, owner of the most popular Web search engine and winner of the most online advertising dollars, will expand its dominance while Ballmer plans a new course. Google gained 10 percentage points of market share in Internet queries since June, providing 59.8 percent of the searches done in March, according to researcher ComScore Inc. in Reston, Virginia.

Ballmer and Kevin Johnson, president of Microsoft’s Internet unit, met two days ago in Seattle with Yahoo co-founders Jerry Yang and David Filo, two people familiar with the negotiations said. Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft, the largest software maker, offered to raise its $44.6 billion bid by about $5 billion, to $33 a share. Yang and Filo refused to accept less than $37 a share, the people said.

Microsoft was probably right to walk away because its return from the purchase would have been too small if it had paid more than $35, Di Bona said.

`Square One’

The text promotions that run next to search results account for more than half the $41 billion market for Internet ads. With Yahoo, Microsoft would have tripled its share of U.S. online searches and would have become the biggest seller of graphical- display ads on the Internet.

Smaller acquisitions and investments in technology may not be enough to reverse the fortunes of the Internet unit, which lost $228 million last quarter.

“They’re back to square one,” said Chris Hickey, an analyst at London-based Atlantic Equities who recommends holding Microsoft shares. “The fact that Microsoft wanted to do this deal shows what a difficult position they’re in to start with. This reminded investors of Microsoft’s poor market position and the long-term risk to its business from online competitors.”

Yahoo Shares

Microsoft fell 16 cents to $29.24 May 2 in Nasdaq Stock Market trading. The shares have dropped 18 percent this year amid concern that sales of Microsoft’s Windows software, which runs more than 90 percent of the world’s personal computers, are slowing and that buying Yahoo would prove expensive.

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Capitol Hill insiders say the battle for congressional superdelegates is over, and one Senate supporter of Barack Obama is hinting strongly that he has prevailed over Hillary Rodham Clinton.

While more than 80 Democrats in the House and Senate have yet to state their preferences in the race for the Democratic nomination, sources said Tuesday that most of them have already made up their minds and have told the campaigns where they stand.

“The majority of superdelegates I’ve talked to are committed, but it is a matter of timing,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.). “They’re just preferring to make their decision public after the primaries are over. … They would like someone else to act for them before they talk about it in the cold light of day.”

Obama currently holds an 18-13 lead among committed superdelegates in the Senate, while Clinton holds a 77-74 lead in the House. Asked which way the committed-but-unannounced superdelegates are leaning, McCaskill — who has endorsed Obama — said: “James Brown would say, ‘I Feel Good.'”

Just this morning, Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley announced he would be supporting Obama, while Bill George, president of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, came out for Clinton.

UPDATE: More superdelegates declare. Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) has announced her support for Obama right here on HuffPost, and Indiana Rep. Baron Hill will endorse Obama tonight.

Meanwhile, Marc Ambinder reports:

Chelsea Clinton just bagged a superdelegate for her mother. The youngest Clinton is campaigning today in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A few moments ago, at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, Luisette Cabanas, an unpledged superdelegate, announced her support for Clinton, giving the campaign the majority of automatic** delegates on the island.

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This Saturday’s Kentucky Derby is right around the corner, so here’s your guide to everything Derby-related. First up: Drinks!

Everybody’s know that the most important aspect of Kentucky Derby day is drinking. Here is the official Kentucky Derby Mint Julep recipe:

Early Times Mint Julep

* 2 cups sugar
* 2 cups water
* Sprigs of fresh mint
* Crushed ice
* Early Times Kentucky Whiskey
* Silver Julep Cups

Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with six or eight sprigs of fresh mint, then refrigerate overnight. Make one julep at a time by filling a julep cup with crushed ice, adding one tablespoon mint syrup and two ounces of Early Times Kentucky Whisky. Stir rapidly with a spoon to frost the outside of the cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

For some other drink options, you can check out Drink Of The Week, where they have Derby-themed recipes for drinks like “The Crown Of Roses” and the “Royal Stretch”.

For ideas on how to serve those cocktails with panache (plus more recipes), read celebrity party planner Marcy Blum’s post How To Throw A Killer Kentucky Derby Party.

Now that you’re nice and liquored up, it’s a great time to start gambling. Place your Kentucky Derby bets here or put all that Kentucky Derby money here. The race’s official site also has a great list of websites for licensed and safe wagering.

It’s customary to get all dolled up up for the Kentucky Derby, so generally people put a lot of work into it. Have a look at some celebrity attendees who have dressed to the nines over the years:

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And, finally, the next best thing about the Derby is the horse names. At times absurd yet somehow regal, there’s nothing more fun than trying to make up your own (Swift Pickle, anyone?). For some guidelines on how to name your horse, you can consult eHow’s “How To Name A Racehorse”.

Curious about the real-life horses? You can check out this rundown of the official Kentucky Derby contenders.

So now you’re all set! How are you planning on spending the big day? Think we missed anything? Share all your recipes, plans, and ideas below!

2008 Kentucky Derby Horses, Anna Nicole Smith Kentucky Derby, Celebrities Kentucky Derby, Chloe Sevigny Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Dave Chappelle Kentucky Derby, Derby Betting Websites, Derby Horses, Derby Odds, Derby Picks, Erykah Badu Kentucky Derby, Horse Names, How To Name a Horse, How To Name a Racehorse, Jerry O’Connell Kentucky Derby, Jessica Simpson Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Derby Betting, Kentucky Derby Betting Websites, Kentucky Derby Contenders, Kentucky Derby Drink Recipes, Kentucky Derby Hats, Kentucky Derby Horses, Kentucky Derby Post Time, Kentucky Oaks, KY Derby, Larry Birkhead Kentucky Derby, Mint Julep, Mint Julep Recipe, Nick Lachey Kentucky Derby, Petra Nemcova Kentucky Derby, Queen Elizabeth Kentucky Derby, Racehorse Names, Rebecca Romijn Kentucky Derby, Slash Kentucky Derby, Slideshow, Vanessa Minnillo Kentucky Derby, Video, Living News

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In this July 24, 2007 file photo, Lindsay Lohan, is shown in a booking mug released by the Santa Monica Police Department, Santa Monica, Calif., after her arrest on suspicion of drunken driving, (AP Photo/Santa Monica Police, file)

Lindsay Lohan is not exactly toasting her latest public appearance. A mugshot of the 21-year-old actress, who has been in and out of rehab after two arrests last year on drunken driving and cocaine charges, was prominently featured Friday in an advertisement attacking legislation for devices that measure a driver’s blood alcohol level before their vehicle can start.

The full-page black-and-white ad appeared in USA Today on Friday and was paid for by the American Beverage Institute, a trade group that supports the interests of the alcohol industry. The ad reads “Ignition interlocks are a good idea for” above Lohan’s mug shot from her July 24, 2007 arrest and “But a bad idea for us” above smaller photos of people drinking.

“The reason that we used Lindsay Lohan is because she’s had multiple DUIs that have been high profile,” American Beverage Institute managing director Sarah Longwell told The Associated Press. “We needed to create the distinction for the public what someone with multiple DUIs looked like versus a low blood-alcohol-level first-time offender.”

Lawmakers in several states have passed bills that would require drunken driving offenders to pay for and install an ignition interlock system. Under many such laws, the interlock requirement extends to first-time offenders driving while “highly intoxicated” _ or with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 percent or higher.

The ad suggested that ignition interlocks were fine for “hard-core” drunk drivers, but suggested they would bring an end to champagne toasts at weddings, wine at dinner and ballgame beers.

“USA Today is idiotic to run such an irresponsible advertisement suggesting that drinking and driving is some kind of American ‘tradition’ we should protect,” Lohan’s lawyer Blair Berk said in a statement. “Not identifying that this ad was paid for by the liquor and restaurant industries is profoundly reckless.

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We all know the story about why people work at Google. Innovative technology, market power, one day in five to noodle around with your pet project, lavish benefits, blah blah blah. But why do they leave?

The commute sucks.

Well, at least that’s one of the five reasons headhunter firm Binc included in a list of five common gripes listed by departing Google employees Binc has interviewed.

If you’re an engineer who wants to stay in Silicon Valley, leaving Google might not fix your commute, and it’s pretty likely your new boss won’t provide you with free Wi-Fi-equipped buses. So take that with a grain of salt.

Here are the other reasons for leaving:

• The stock options aren’t looking so spiffy these days. Google’s share price has dropped significantly since 2007.

• Google isn’t a hot start-up anymore.

• It’s bogged down by corporate culture. “The environment in which engineers were able to create their own products and services is decreasing since it has to go through a full review process that can take months before the product is released to market. Although engineers enjoy being creative, they might as well create a product/service that they can monetize on their own.”

• Google is “not a dream job anymore…When Google was the revolution, it was the most amazing thing on the market, but it’s not that anymore.”

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