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Archive for the ‘Naked’ Category

YES by Hilton Hater

In a world of sex tapes and naked photos, Miley Cyrus is as pure as a fresh snowfall.

The allegedly racy photos of the young singer never depict her in anything less than underwear. That would be considered bundling up for truly promiscuous celebs such as Tila Tequila.

If Miley says she’s a virgin, I see no reason to disbelieve her. What proof does anyone have to the contrary? A Vanity Fair photo shoot featuring her covered by a sheet?


Aside from Cyrus’ word, let’s look at her schedule. She’s often on tour. She’s the star of her own TV show. When would Miley even have time to find a boyfriend and build up the sort of trust needed to allow him into her precious garden of love?

Miley Cyrus has given us such hit songs as “7 Things” and “See You Again.”

The least we can do in return is give her the benefit of the virginal doubt.

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Posted on: April 25, 2008

“Get real, people. That is not a naked woman reflected in Vice President Dick Cheney’s sunglasses. Although it kind of appears to be. It you blow up the picture, you can see it is Cheney’s hand gripping the handle of a fishing rod.
The picture was posted on the White House Web site as one in a series of photos of Cheney outdoors. It created a buzz on the Internet on Friday and some cable television shows.
On the Web
White House photo:

This two-picture combination photo provided by the White House shows Vice President Cheney, and a close-up of his sunglasses during a fishing trip on the Snake River in Idaho. That is not a naked woman reflected in Vice President Dick Cheney’s sunglasses. Although it kind of appears to be. It you blow up the picture, you can see it is Cheney’s hand gripping the handle of a fishing rod. The picture was posted on the White House Web site as one in a series of photos of Cheney outdoors. It created a buzz on the Internet on Friday and some cable television shows. (AP Photo/White House, David Bohrer)

French president Nicolas Sarkozy started his first official visit to the UK – the day after it was reported that an auction house is to sell Carla Bruni nude pictures.

How’s that for great political timing!

Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni (now officially Carla Bruni-Sarkozy), who married in February, were greeted by the Prince of Wales and by the Duchess of Cornwall after the presidential plane landed in London Wednesday.

The French president’s schedule included a full state banquet at Windsor Castle on Wednesday night, where he is staying as the guest of the queen.

On Wednesday afternoon, Sarkozy addressed both British Houses of Parliament in French and discussed many important matters of state.

But away from the politics, Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife was attracting as much, if not more, attention than her husband during the two-day visit.

The famous auction house Christie’s is to sell nude photographs of former model Bruni-Sarkozy, taken by Michel Comte in 1993, in New York next month.

Yes, we are talking about Carla Bruni naked, people. Check it out …

Carla Bruni Naked

With Carla Bruni naked photos on the verge of auction, the Associated Press quoted the French president’s office as saying the sale of thepics is a private matter.

Kate Moss nude and Gisele Bundchen nude photos are also nearing the same auction block, but it’s Carla Bruni – the new, hot wife of the French President – who has been attracting even attention of celebrity news and mainstream media.

For its part, the UK media has covered the French president’s divorce, and courtship of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, and subsequent marriage, in great depth, with several using her visit as reason to reprint images from her modeling career.

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