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Shine chats with… Kate Bosworth

My grandmother taught me to play blackjack when I was seven-years-old, so I have a fondness for the game. However, I didn’t turn out to be a math whiz who could count cards, beat the system and win millions.

In the new film 21, Kate Bosworth plays one of these whizzes, Jill Taylor. Along with six other MIT students, they — under the tutelage of sleazy math professor Micky Rosa (Kevin Spacey) — go to Las Vegas and take the casinos for their money.

Shine caught up with the actress in Sin City to chat about her role in the film. Watch the video to hear what she has to say!

The Kate Bosworth sex scene with Jim Sturgess for their new movie, 21, is pretty hot. Just don’t ask Kate for too many the details.

“We were both so drunk,” the actress star said. “Jim and I became such good friends, we decided to have a couple of drinks, loosen up and go for it.”

The on-set action is also pretty vague for Jim Sturgess.

“We were on Grey Goose, I think,” said the British actor. “It was brilliant for about half and an hour. As we continued to drink … it just became sloppy and messy. I couldn’t stand up at one point.”

One wonders if she takes the same approach with boyfriend James Rousseau.

Pretty Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth remembers little of this Kate Bosworth nude scene.

The rail-thin actress would be probably pretty easy to liquor up, you would probably think, although you might be surprised – Sturgess recently told Marie Claire in an interview that Bosworth can actually “drink anyone under the table.”

“Get a couple in her, and she’s definitely a very fun and crazy girl,” echoed another of Kate’s 21 co-stars, Josh Gad.