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VeriSign helps protect the global net

As the need for security on the internet continues to grow, one of the the guardians of the networked world lays claim to an enviable record.

In its 13 years in business, VeriSign says it has maintained a “100% up time” service in operating the infrastructure that controls the internet.

The firm has a crucial role in the day-to-day operation of the internet – it manages two of the world’s 13 root servers, which direct global internet traffic; it routes every web address ending in .com or .net; and it issues secure digital certificates to protect more than 900,000 web servers on the net.

In a rare insight into just how VeriSign works, the company invited the BBC into one of the main data centres where security is at the heart of everything.

The building itself is one of hundreds that dot Silicon Valley’s landscape; bland and unremarkable on the outside.

This is our most secure room. VeriSign has more than 4,000 employees worldwide and there are only six people in the whole company who have access to this space

Ralph Claar, Verisign, on the inner sanctum

There is no fancy corporate sign on the manicured strip of lawn to hint that it is owned or operated by VeriSign. Steps up to the entrance were deliberately built to ensure nobody would try to ram the building. Cameras and motion detectors are everywhere to be seen. The reflecting windows on the outside are fake.

Inside is altogether more of what you would expect.

At each stage, at least two forms of authentication are required to enter various parts of the building, including door passes and fingerprint or handprint scanners.

“We are a regulated industry with the biggest banks in the world as our customers, so everything we do here has to be secure,” says Mike Kirwan, vice president of production services.

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Posted on: May 2, 2008

(Source: Rockstar Games)

Lawmaker calls for free, family-friendly wireless internet access open to the public; another auction required

With the internet littered with foul, explicit material, parents worry more and more about their children finding out what the internet fully has to offer. The solution, proposed by Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA), is to open up spectrum.

Eshoo proposed a new act on Monday, dubbed the Wireless Internet Nationwide for Families Act, instructing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to auction off 2155-2175MHz band of spectrum.

The winner of the auction of is required to use the spectrum to create free, nationwide wireless internet service that blocks all pornographic websites. It would be a service targeted directly towards families. Eshoo hopes the auctioning of the spectrum would attract types of national broadband service providers.

“The cost of broadband service is a barrier for too many families who want broadband, with more than 100 million Americans without broadband at home,” Eshoo said. “The results of the 700 MHz auction disappointed many of us who hoped that a new entrant would emerge. 70% of the spectrum auctioned went to only two carriers. While the auction required under this legislation is open to anyone, it is my hope that the bold conditions of requiring free, family friendly service will encourage the entry of a new kind of national broadband service provider.”

The two carriers Eshoo speaks of are Verizon and AT&T, already top-tier broadband carriers in the U.S.

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The Twin Cities are the lucky guinea pigs for Comcast’s new high-speed internet

Verizon’s FiOS fiber broadband connection is currently the only option for United States Internet surfers to wander about the world wide web while downloading content at up to 50 Mbps and uploading data at up to 20 Mbps. However, Verizon’s FiOS service is limited to a few areas at this time, even though roll-out is being performed slowly but surely.

Recently, Comcast also announced plans to increase the maximum bandwidth of its broadband service to 50 Mbps download and 5 Mbps upload bandwidth to compete with Verizon.

Currently, Comcast is running its broadband service aalong the DOCSIS 2.0 protocol, or the second generation of the Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications. This protocol tops out with a maximum downstream bandwidth of 42.88 Mbps while the maximum upstream bandwidth tops out at 30.72 Mbps.

For Comcast to increase its bandwidth, it will have to begin using DOCSIS 3.0 compliant hardware. The initial DOCSIS 3.0 specs will utilize four channels over cable; which allows the compatible hardware to serve twice the amount of data per second than DOCSIS 2.0’s dual channel design.

Through the 4-channel design, DOCSIS 3.0 compliant hardware will allow a maximum of 170 Mbps and 123 Mbps downstream and upstream bandwidth respectively. To achieve this higher bandwidth, Comcast must upgrade its back-end infrastructure to to hardware complaint with DOCSIS 3.0 and must also provide upgrades to customers’ leased modems or offer new hardware that is capable of supporting DOCSIS 3.0.

The high-bandwidth options from Comcast are in trial in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota but Comcast states it will begin mass rollout once the design has been finalized and ready for use over its nationwide infrastructure, which Comcast’s president of marketing and product development states may be by 2010.

Meanwhile, Verizon has brought its fiber-based broadband connection to a number of markets in the U.S. If Comcast goes through with these speed increases, we may hopefully see some long-awaited price wars in the broadband industry.

Pricing for the 50/20 Mbps download/upload package is stated around $150 and is only planned for the residential market. Business owners may have the option for a higher-bandwidth package in the future, however, no pricing information has been made available at this time.

Peter Kramer/Getty

Peter Kramer/Getty

Seriously, maybe this is wrong because of the whole third-wife-younger-woman thing, but I don’t care: I think you’re awesome. I can’t remember a cooler, prettier, or more badass first lady. I mean, you slept with Jagger. And Clapton. You read Yeats. You play the guitar. Nude pictures of you sell for a bazillion Euros (which is like double bazillion dollars). You recorded a Serge Gainsbourg tribute song that was actually well received. You speak three languages.The outfit you wore to meet the Queen this week? The one with the pillbox hat? The one that’s making everyone compare you to Jackie O? Brilliant. I also like your hair, makeup and skin. Keep on keepin on, Madame Sarkozy. I’m psyched for your new life. I’m especially excited to see what you’ll wear.

Israel announced plans to build 1,400 new apartments in the West Bank and disputed part of Jerusalem, despite warnings by Palestinians and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that they could hurt peace efforts between the two sides.

While the announcement Monday could further damage the standing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak moved on Tuesday to bolster the moderate leader, saying he will consider opening the Gaza Strip’s crossings if Palestinian militants there stop bombarding Israel with rockets.

The Israeli announcement on new construction came shortly after Rice wrapped up a two-day visit and left for Amman to meet Abbas. In the Jordanian capital, Rice said Israel should stop such construction projects, but to no avail.

The move reflects the political weakness of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who continues to support construction in disputed areas because it allows him to keep his fragile coalition intact — though it does damage to Abbas’ position.

Olmert insisted Israel is building only in places it intends to keep even after a peace treaty is signed.

At a U.S.-hosted peace conference in November, Israel and the Palestinians agreed to relaunch long-stalled talks and base negotiations on the 2003 “road map” peace plan. The U.S.-backed proposal calls on Israel to freeze all settlement activity and the Palestinians to rein in militants.

But Israel does not consider construction in east Jerusalem to be settlement activity because the Jewish state annexed it after capturing it in the 1967 Mideast war. The international community disagrees, however, because no one has recognized Israel’s annexation.

East Jerusalem is home to 180,000 Jews who live in neighborhoods built after the war. An additional 270,000 Jews live in West Bank settlements, most of them in three major blocs.

Palestinians charge that the ongoing construction is sabotaging peace efforts. Although they tacitly agree that Israel will, in the end, retain some or all of these areas, the bulldozers, cranes and work crews are tangible evidence to Palestinians that peace negotiations are not helping their cause, further complicating Abbas’ position.

But the Israeli defense minister’s openness to easing restrictions on Gaza could help reduce pressure on Abbas. Barak had previously opposed opening passages to the territory, which is controlled by Islamic Hamas militants.

Israel closed the crossings after Hamas overran Gaza in June, and has only let in limited humanitarian supplies since.

Political realities appeared to have driven Olmert’s announcement Monday. With his popularity battered by his inconclusive 2006 war against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon, he depends on Shas, a hawkish ultra-Orthodox party, for his coalition government’s parliamentary majority.

The announcement of 600 new housing units to go up in Jerusalem came from the Jerusalem city hall, but the larger project — 800 new apartments in Beitar Illit, an ultra-Orthodox settlement outside Jerusalem — came from Shas. Olmert is not in a position to deny it: Shas leaders have made repeated threats to bring down his government if Olmert crosses them.

Rice arrived in the region on Saturday for three days of talks with Israeli and Palestinian officials meant to advance the U.S. goal of achieving a peace agreement before President Bush leaves office in January 2009.

A senior U.S. official said the U.S. would like to push for an outline of an interim peace agreement by the time Bush visits the region in May.

At a news conference with Abbas in Jordan, Rice said it was her impression both sides were serious about advancing the talks. “I think it’s all moving in the right direction,” she said.

But she also warned Israel to halt new settlement activities that could upset progress. “Settlement activity should stop — expansion should stop,” Rice said.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the construction plans and appealed to the Americans to intervene. “This announcement is changing the situation on the ground for the worse,” Erekat said.

U.S. Embassy spokesman Stewart Tuttle declined to comment on the developments.

Meanwhile, in violence Tuesday, Israeli troops shot and killed two Hamas gunmen during a raid on the central Gaza Strip, Hamas said. The army confirmed troops operating against rocket launching squads in the area shot toward two gunmen who approached them.


MOVIE: Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, seen in an image from his movie “Fitna,” released online, has said that in Europe, Islam poses a threat similar to that of fascism before World War II.

Officials braced for protests as a lawmaker posted on the Internet a controversial video about what he sees as the threat of Islam to Europe. Some Muslims say they expected worse.

By Geraldine Baum, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

PARIS — A young Muslim girl in a head scarf calls Jews “apes and pigs.” A nonbeliever is beheaded and another is shot. Verses of the Koran are juxtaposed with horrific images, implying that one begets the other.

The new film by right-wing Dutch legislator Geert Wilders, first posted on the Internet late Thursday, had everyone from the Dutch prime minister to soldiers in Afghanistan braced for angry reactions from offended Muslims. Even before the film was released, there were protests this month by 15,000 people in Afghanistan, with many burning the Dutch flag.

And a spokesman for the Amsterdam police said Friday that the force was on alert and that extra officers would be on the streets in Muslim neighborhoods this weekend.

Before Friday’s midday call to prayer, police were busy contacting imams to gauge reaction at the city’s 50 mosques. But as of late Friday, reaction there appeared muted.

“They were all disgusted by the film, but so far there isn’t a big explosion,” said police spokesman Arnold Aben. “In fact, it’s quieter than usual here today. Sort of like a holiday.”

The 17-minute film, “Fitna,” the Arabic word for strife, was first posted late Thursday on Wilder’s Freedom Party website. The site crashed immediately with heavy traffic, but within minutes the film was available in Dutch and English on the British-based website LiveLeak, which also froze up briefly. By Friday, the film was all over the Internet — on YouTube, Dailymotion and other shared-video sites. LiveLeak later took down the video, saying its staff had received “threats of a very serious nature.”

Wilders has said he made the film to call attention to what he sees as the Islamic threat to Europe — which he compares to the fascism that led to World War II.

Not everyone was impressed.

“It is not very original,” Yusuf Altuntas, deputy chairman of a Muslim umbrella group based in The Hague, said in a phone interview. “We have seen many of these images before. There was no shock so we don’t think there will be problems in Holland. I can’t speak for in the Middle East.”

Altuntas had worried the film would set off riots around the world after Wilders hinted that it included images of the Koran being torn. There is the sound of paper tearing at the end of the film that a viewer might conclude is the Koran, but the text explains it is not pages from the Muslim holy book but rather from a phone book.

“It is not up to me but up to the Muslims to tear the spiteful verses from the Koran,” the text reads.

Wilders, who has full-time police protection because of assassination threats from Islamic extremists, has built a political career fighting what he calls the “Islamization” of the West.

Although his party gets less than 15% support, he is known for stirring emotion in a highly tolerant country with one of Europe’s fastest-growing immigrant populations from Muslim countries.

On Friday, Wilders, 44, told reporters that he was happy there hadn’t been violence after the film’s release. “My intention was not to provoke riots,” he said, according to Agence France-Presse. “On the contrary, I want to encourage debate.”

The new video was met with several counter-videos on the Internet on Friday morning, and the blogosphere was crowded with back-and-forth. On YouTube, a man from Pakistan had put up his own video saying that “Muslims love Jesus Christ, Moses and all prophets of all religions. . . . They respect all scriptures.”

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said in a statement that “the vast majority of Muslims reject extremism and violence.”

“In fact, the victims are often also Muslims. We therefore regret that Mr. Wilders has released this film. We believe it serves no purpose other than to cause offense.”


On Friday, President Communist Dictator Raul Castro said that he would begin allowing ordinary Cubans to use cellphones.

This is the first official announcement of the lifting of a major restriction in Cuba.

Cellphone use in Cuba is a luxury usually reserved for only those who are communist or work for the government. Up until now, Cubans have only been able to get cellphones by having foreigners sign the contracts in their names. And those that even had cellphones, were in the very small minority.

Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A., (ETECSA), Cuba’s telecommunications monopoly announced they would allow the general public to use the cellphone by agreeing to sign prepaid contracts using Cuban Pesos.

The Cuban government currently controls over 90% of the economy in which the average monthly salary is about 408 Cuban Pesos, a little bit less than $20.

Yes, $20 a month!!!

But, of course, a program in convertible Pesos will probably ensure that most Cubans will not be able to afford the cellphone service.

Baby steps at least. Though it’s doubtful Cuba will get out of it’s poverty anytime soon. Instead of giving your people cellphones, why don’t you try feeding them instead????

[Image via WENN.]

Political cartoons