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Even with her presidential hopes fading, Senator Hillary Clinton won a landslide victory in the West Virginia Democratic primary yesterday, renewing doubts about Senator Barack Obama’s prospects in states with large concentrations of white,

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How can they not be tired?

Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are undeniably exhausted. They’ve been campaigning hard for more than a year, and their wall-to-wall schedules won’t let up anytime soon. Neither wants to cede ground in their epic struggle for the Democratic nomination.

Fatigue, however, breeds unforced errors — and both candidates have made some in the past few weeks.

He turned in a weak debate performance in Pennsylvania, took heat for saying residents of small-town America were bitter and inadvertently praised Republican John McCain. She, too, had a sub-par debate and mistakenly claimed to have landed under sniper fire in Bosnia as first lady.

“Sometimes. Yes, of course,” Obama, 46, acknowledged Tuesday when asked whether he was exhausted.

The Illinois senator was in the midst of a near 20-hour campaign day. He left his hotel at 6 a.m. for satellite TV interviews in Philadelphia and didn’t stop moving until his plane touched down Wednesday in Chicago at 1:30 a.m.

Fourteen years his senior, Clinton laughed off a question about how she maintained a grueling schedule.

“It’s been a 15-month campaign and, if everything had been as much fun as Pennsylvania, it wouldn’t feel like 15 years,” the 60-year-old said — uncharacteristically showing weariness.

As the Democrats continue their long days of tussling, Republican nominee-in-waiting McCain, energetic at 71, has pared back his schedule considerably from the before-sun-up to after-sun-down days of the GOP primary fight.

Since the Arizona senator wrapped up the nomination last month, he has kept to just one or two public events a day. To be sure, he’s at work behind the scenes raising money and preparing for the general election. But most weekends he opts for down time in Phoenix or at his cabin in Sedona, Ariz., resting up for the fall fight.

It’s a luxury Obama and Clinton don’t have.

The next Democratic primaries — Indiana and North Carolina — are May 6, just two weeks away, and the stakes are extraordinary.

So, the excruciatingly long days will continue.

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Here’s a funny YouTube video in which Hillary Rodham Clinton discloses the true nature of her relationship with rival Democratic Sen. Barack Obama.

This is a clear parody of the infamous videos made by Sarah Silverman and boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel, in which they confess that they are f*%king Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, respectively. Like those, this one contains strong language.

Who knew Barack and Hillary were so close …

Good stuff. We’re just holding our collective breath in hopes that someone will make one featuring Heidi Montag and John McCain next.

Democrat Barack Obama released seven years of tax returns on Tuesday, cranking up the pressure on presidential rival Hillary Clinton to make public her recent filings and renewing a battle between the two camps over transparency.
Obama’s tax returns from 2000 to 2006 were posted on his Web site as his campaign pushed to portray Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady, as secretive and unwilling to be open with voters.
Obama, an Illinois senator, has repeatedly asked Clinton to release tax returns for the years since she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, left the White House in 2001.
“Releasing tax returns is a matter of routine. We believe the Clinton campaign should meet that routine standard and meet that routine standard now,” Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.
Clinton, in Pennsylvania campaigning for the state’s primary on April 22, told reporters she hoped her returns would be released within the next week. But she and campaign aides pressed Obama to release records from his days in the Illinois legislature and his earlier tax returns.
“I am pleased that Senator Obama has released his tax returns. I think that’s a good first step,” Clinton said in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. “Now he should release his records from being in the state Senate and any other information that the public and the press need to know.”
Clinton spokesman Phil Singer said she already had released more than 20 years of tax returns and hundreds of thousands of pages of documents from the White House.
Obama and Clinton are in a hard-fought battle for the Democratic presidential nomination and the right to face Republican John McCain in November’s election. Continued…