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One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our life.

The disease tends to affect older people – but can strike at any time.

Excluding certain skin cancers, there were more than 270,000 new cases of the disease in 2001 – and the rate is increasing by about 1% a year.

Some cancer, such as breast, are becoming more common, while new cases of lung cancer fall away due to the drop in the number of smokers.

However, while the overall number of new cancers is not falling, the good news is that successful treatment rates for many of the most common types are improving rapidly.

BBC News Online has produced, in conjunction with Cancer Research UK, a guide to some of the most common forms of cancer and the treatments used to tackle them.

To learn more about different types of cancer, and to read the experiences of patients, click on the links below,


Kylie Minogue has revealed on US TV that the first doctor she saw failed to diagnose she had breast cancer.
The 39-year-old singer, who announced she had the illness in 2005, was speaking on Ellen DeGeneres’ chat show.
“Because someone is in a white coat and using big medical instruments doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right,” said the Australian star.
Minogue added she continued with her Showgirl tour having seen a doctor who told her she was perfectly healthy.
The star said she had heard stories from other women who had been to see a doctor for a diagnosis and were told things were fine.
“I don’t want to say that to frighten people but that’s just a fact,” said Minogue.
DeGeneres revealed she had had a lumpectomy after finding a lump in her breast.
“I had just had a mammogram and they didn’t find anything and a couple of weeks later I found a lump,” she said.
In a warning to other women Minogue said: “You must follow your intuition and if you have any doubt go back again”.
Last year she revealed how her “anger” at having cancer helped energise her in the recording studio once she completed her treatment.
Soon after Minogue’s diagnosis experts reported an increase of breast cancer awareness amongst women.
Her new album, X which was released last year, reached number four in the UK Top 40.