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Ryan Seacrest addresses “Paula Abdul rumors”


Ryan Seacrest addressed the rumors that Paula Abdul might get canned from “American Idol” after her loopy behavior on Tuesday night.

Abdul critiqued contestant Jason Castro on both of his performances even though he had only sang once.

This sparked speculation among gossip columns that someone else might be writing Paula’s comments or that “American Idol” might be scripted.

On Wednesday’s results show, Seacrest said Abdul was a part of the family and loved. Awww. Warm and fuzzies.

As for the other people competing to stay on the show, Brooke White got voted off. That leaves David Archuleta, David Cook, Jason Castro and Syesha Mercado as the top 4!

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Update: People within EMI are saying that they are lining up mainstream media exclusives for tomorrow either NY Times or WSJ and want to kill all blog coverage.

More brain drain at Google. Google CIO Douglas Merrill quits and becomes the president of EMI. I just confirmed from a source that Douglas Merrill sent out an email resigning from Google to join EMI as president. Word has it that he will be figuring out the next business models for EMI.

Douglas Merrill

Going to EMI is interesting in that the music industry is trying to become more relevant in their business models.

More as this develops. Here is Douglas Merrill talking about innovation at Google – now he’ll be at EMI trying to figure out innovation in an industry that needs innovation.

All Things D has the story. I like the quote that John P found…