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Actress Lindsay Lohan attends Sephora’s tenth anniversary celebration at Angel Orensanz Foundation, July 17, 2008 in New York. Lindsay Lohan said police have no business getting involved in her personal life Friday, Aug. 1, 2008, a day after the police chief said the 22-year-old actress had evidently “gone gay” as a part of his explaination for why the paparazzi were no longer an issue. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lindsay Lohan said Friday that police have no business getting involved in her personal life, a day after the police chief explained that the paparazzi were no longer an issue — in part because the 22-year-old actress had evidently “gone gay.”

“Police chiefs shouldn’t get involved in everyone else’s business when it comes to their personal life. It’s inappropriate,” Lohan said in a video shot by paparazzi Friday and posted on In the footage, Lohan and gal pal Samantha Ronson are trekking through the Los Angeles Airport on their way to catch a flight to Chicago.

The day before, Chief William Bratton said the paparazzi have become less of a problem thanks to Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lohan leading more moderate lifestyles.

“If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving; Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank God, and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don’t seem to have much of an issue,” he told KNBC-TV.

Bratton was speaking about his refusal to participate in a meeting held by elected officials Thursday that was called to discuss new laws to curb problem paparazzi.

He called Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine’s special session — which was attended by the likes of John Mayer, Eric Roberts and Milo Ventimiglia — “a complete waste of time.”

Bratton later called a news conference outside police headquarters to clarify his position on the paparazzi. When asked about the Lohan remark — which followed months of tabloid speculation that Lohan and Ronson, a DJ, are dating — Bratton said his sister is gay and he is a proponent of gay rights.

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After vague statements over the last weeks about internal investments that will allow it to compete in search without Yahoo, Microsoft on Wednesday laid out more of its vision for improving on its current “underdog” position in search.

While describing some new search technologies from Microsoft and some future ideas, executives were also cautious to repeat that theirs is a long-term vision that may take a while to spell success for the company. They spoke during an annual get together for advertisers, this year hosted on Microsoft’s campus in Redmond, Washington.

“I have to say, it’s kind of fun to be the underdog,” Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates confessed. The company has put an unusual effort toward building the team that’s working on search, he said. “We’ve done more on this to build a great team then on any effort I can remember,” he said.

Users should expect to see new features every six months from Microsoft’s search group, he said. “We have a long-term commitment,” Gates said. The company is willing to experiment, he said.

Wednesday’s launch of Cashback represents the latest new feature. When Web users search for a product on, results may feature a Cashback tag. If users end up buying a product with the tag, they’ll receive money back.

Microsoft expects that the concept will create a whole new business model, though it also expects that it might take some time for it to shake up the industry. “We understand this is a journey. When you change the user experience or business model, it takes time to percolate through to behavior changes,” said Satya Nadella, senior vice president of the search, portal and advertising platform group at Microsoft.

Gates pointed out how Cashback is different than existing search advertising methods. “In search, when you get those ads, in a sense you don’t get anything back in return,” he said. That compares to other media like TV or radio, where in exchange for advertisements, viewers and listeners get content.

Cashback “gives you a reason why you should use a particular search,” he said.

Over 700 merchants including eBay, Barnes and Noble, Sears, Circuit City, Home Depot,, and Kmart have signed up to advertise as part of the Cashback program. “That confirms there is this opportunity for change,” Gates said.

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“This is so normal!” Oprah Winfrey exclaimed as Tom Cruise took her through the vast, pristine, wood-paneled kitchen in his mountaintop estate in Telluride, Colo. Ms. Winfrey sounded relieved, almost as if she were half expecting to find space helmets and a teleporting station wedged next to the stove.

Harpo Productions, via Associated Press

Oprah Winfrey with Tom Cruise in Colorado on Friday.

There was nothing normal about the conversation between Ms. Winfrey and Mr. Cruise, of course. Mr. Cruise, whose unhinged exuberance and acrobatic leap onto Ms. Winfrey’s couch in 2005 was the first in a torrent of embarrassing YouTube moments, was back on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to repair the damage. He had agreed to a two-part interview, and tellingly, the first one on Friday was on his couch, a reversal that they joked about, gingerly.

“I’m on your sofa now,” Ms. Winfrey said, mugging. Mr. Cruise laughed and said, “And we’re sitting.”

When Ms. Winfrey’s car drove up the Cruises’ driveway, Mr. Cruise and his wife, Katie Holmes, emerged from the house hand in hand to greet her. Like the first lady, Laura Bush, welcoming reporters to the family ranch in Crawford, Tex., Ms. Holmes was warm and gracious and quickly made herself scarce, hugging her husband and saying, “I love you,” as she walked out the door.

Mr. Cruise then sat winsomely through a barrage of questions about his marriage; their baby, Suri; Scientology; and in particular his rant to Matt Lauer in 2005 on “Today,” ridiculing the use of Ritalin and attacking Brooke Shields for taking antidepressants for postpartum depression.

“I mean, what I regret is that it just came out wrong,” he said. “What I regret is that even discussing Brooke in any way.”

This was not a promotional gimmick to boost box office sales. Mr. Cruise does not have a movie coming out imminently. (“Tropic Thunder,” in which he briefly plays not a leading man but a sleazy studio executive, is scheduled for an August release.) Mr. Cruise employed his charm — and taut stagecraft — in an effort to rehabilitate his reputation.

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