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In addition to being a high-priced hooker, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 22, is a budding singer – and has already banked an estimated $200,000 from online music downloads in the past week, according to the New York Post.

It’s hard to blame soon-to-be former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s prostitute for cashing in on the sex scandal… but come on, people. Put your money in a savings account instead, then go to her MySpace and have a listen for free. Sheesh.

Ashley Dupre made two tunes, “What We Want” and “Move Ya Body,” available for purchase as 99-cent downloads on music site Amie Street shortly after the scandal broke. Musicians can earn a 70 percent cut on download fees via the site.

“What We Want,” a pulsating dance tune, was also added to New York’s Z100 play list on Thursday (she first streamed it on her MySpace page).


But is Ashley Dupre merely cashing in on her 15 minutes of fame, or does she actually have a future in the music business? Some reviews so far …

“With MySpace, American Idol and cheap home-recording equipment demystifying the creation of pop music, there’s this idea that anyone can become a star if she tries hard enough. It’s not that simple, but [’What we Want’] is not especially good or bad. It’s serviceable post-Britney Spears dance-pop, Dupre panting and sort of bleating over a clubby track with Middle Eastern pretensions, the sort of thing Scott Storch might make if he only had access to a $45 Casio.” – The Village Voice

“‘Move Ya Body,’ isn’t as good as ‘What We Want.’ It’s got a Britney Spears-ish ‘I’m a Slave 4 U’ feel, but it sounds like it’s not quite finished. Her vocals aren’t fully processed as she sings things like ‘Sex, money, drugs is what I’m all about, step your game up so you can see for yourself.’ Still, with a little polishing it could totally pass for a single from Spears or a lesser Pussycat Doll.” – Newsday

“Her song is absolutely terrible. If people are interested in signing her, then they shouldn’t be in the music business.” – Billboard

Friends of the 22-year-old high-priced call girl named “Kristen” are now rallying around the woman they knew as Ashley Youmans of Wall, N.J.

“We’re just trying to keep her head up and keep her strong, have her look at this as a positive,” high school friend Joe Pawlak tells People.

Pawlak, who graduated from Wall H.S. in 2003, a year ahead of Youmans – who now goes by Ashley Dupre – says she’s only human and “people make mistakes.”

“She’s just trying to work through it,” says Pawlak.

THG NOTE: Come on Pawlak. The girl slings the poon for thousands of dollars an hour. We’re not judging, but there’s no “mistake” about this.

Ashley Alexandra Dupre was identified this week as “Kristen” – the escort linked by federal authorities to New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who resigned.

Bevin Doherty, who knew Ashley Youmans on the Pop Warner cheerleading squad in middle school, tells People that, in contrast to statements Ashley made on her MySpace page about her home life, Ashley lived with her mom.

“Her mom would pick her up from cheering at school in a Jaguar,” says Doherty, who assumed Ashley, who wore designer clothes, was wealthy.

Ashley Dupre (Ashley Youmans) High School Photo

Set to graduate from the Wall H.S. class of 2004, Ashley Youmans disappeared near the end of her sophomore year. At some point, Youmans legally became Ashley DiPietro, but later took on the “stage” name of Ashley Alexandra Dupre.

“When she left high school,” said Doherty, “me and others thought she left to go get married. That’s what I was under the belief … that she met someone and had a ring and left to get married. We always wondered what happened to her.”

A teacher of Ashley Dupre, Gerald Basiak, 58, recalls her as a very kind person, but a “B-C student who really wasn’t focused on anything.”

As for Ashley’s being caught up in the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal: “I would never expect this, there were never indications of any problems at home.”

Thanks to People magazine, as usual, for this collection of some of the funniest and most most memorable celebrity quotes from the past week …

“She looks at me and says, ‘Nice top shelf.’ That was one of the greatest days of my life.” – Justin Timberlake on Madonna

“He’ll have to restrain his hair.” – A Waffle House employee, on Kid Rock

“Do not pull them up tight and have your bulge showing. Let it hang!” – Victoria Beckham on the way to wear jeans

“You always want to point out the elephant in the room.” – Jim Carrey, dressed as an Dr. Seuss’ Horton the Elephant, on American Idol

Britney Spears, Josh Radnor

“She knew her lines better than me.” – How I Met Your Mother’s Josh Radnor, on Britney Spears‘ visit to the set

“I had to face some difficult spending decisions and I’ve had to conduct sensitive diplomacy. That’s called planning for a wedding.” – President George W. Bush

“I really romanticized being pregnant. Then I realized, this is awful!”
– Marcia Cross, reminiscing about pregnancy

“A little later on I’ll be at the Dinah Shore Golf Tournament, of course. That’s if it doesn’t conflict with my women’s basketball games that I go to.” – Ellen DeGeneres, leaving a message for Rep. Sally Kern of Oklahoma

“I just don’t want to be thought of as a monster.” – Ashley Dupre

She’s been a wild child even for Girls Gone Wild, and posed half-naked for The New York Post, but so far no photo of Ashley Alexandra Dupre nude has been found.

The same may be true even now.

However, thanks to the unending labor of, we have found what some believe are the first Ashley Dupre nude pictures. Possibly.

The photo below was allegedly taken from the Emperor’s Club VIP web site, and shows what appears to be a naked Ashley Alexandra Dupre.

We can’t be certain about this, though, because hiding the escort’s face is typical practice for such sites. For obvious reasons, of course.

Still, check it out and see for yourself. Some believe this girl and the hooker caught in the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal are one and the same …

Ashley Gone Wild

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, or “Amber,” with the Girls Gone Wild gang.

A possible picture of Ashley Dupre naked. Yee-haw.

Whether or not this is Ashley Dupre, does it strike you as something you’d want to shell out $4,300 for? If you want to go home with a short girl with fake boobs, there are about two million of those in the state of New Jersey. Just saying.

Follow this link to see more photos of her at Egotastic

“You might as well show off what you have before you don’t have it any more!” – Ashley Alexandra Dupre

With those words, the then-teenager who allegedly became “Kristen,” New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s high-priced prostitute, told a Palm Beach Post reporter why she was flaunting her now famous assets for the cameras of Girls Gone Wild.

The place: Miami Beach’s Chesterfield Hotel.
The time: A sweaty afternoon in mid-March 2003.
The star: Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 17, introducing herself as the newest Girls Gone Wild star, “Amber.” She said she was 21, from New Jersey and recently worked as a waitress in North Carolina.

She was already turning heads.

During many hours of drunken revelry at a hotel filmed by Girls Gone Wild, Ashley Dupre photos and video – replete with topless antics and suggestive dancing – were captured for one of the tapes that made Joe Francis a multi-millionaire.

And a man facing up to 10 years in federal prison and many more than that in the fiery pits of hell, but that’s a subject for another time.

Earlier this week, Girls Gone Wild offered her $1 million to pose in her birthday suit. Then the seedy company discovered it didn’t have to shell out the money: Its archives contained 5-year-old footage and pictures of Ashley Dupre.

But even for the producers and cameramen who traveled across America with the single goal of finding drunk girls willing to lift up their shirts, “Amber” took the party to a place where even Girls Gone Wild won’t go.

Ashley Dupre hopped on a table in the middle of a hotel lobby crammed with frat boys and launched into a raunchy strip-tease. That’s when the camera crew packed up and returned to their monster bus to leave town.

Continue reading in the Palm Beach Post

Political cartoons

The MySpace page of Ashley Alexandra Dupre, 22, provides a window into the life of a high-end prostitute and aspiring musician who went from a broken home in New Jersey to a lucrative “career” in the city that never sleeps.

In an August 30 posting on MySpace, Ashley Dupre (born Ashley Youmans, then Ashley Alexandra Dupre, then by her hooker alias, “Kristen”) wrote:

“The past few months have been a roller coaster with so called friends, lovers, and family … but its something you have to deal with and confront in order to move on …”

“What destroys me, strengthens me” is the deep slogan next to an Ashley Alexandra Dupre photo. There are other Ashley Dupre photos showing her at various places, including in a bikini on a boat in a tropical locale.

The number of hits to MySpace page soared to two million as the story broke linking Dupre to the prostitution ring frequented by Eliot Spitzer.

The New York Governor announced his resignation, effective Monday, after being snared in a federal investigation of Emperor’s Club VIP.

Ashley Dupre Photo

There is actually a photo gallery dedicated to Spitzer on Ashley Dupre’s MySpace page, including shots of the posh Washington hotel where their trysts occurred.

Now the Emperor’s Club’s most famous employee, the 22-year-old Dupre describes her favorite musical artists as Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, Christina Aguilera and Frank Sinatra, among many others.

Her Web site boasted a recording of a song, “What We Want.”

“I know what you want, you got what I want. I know what you need. Can you handle me?” Ashley Alexandra Dupre sings to all who will listen. Gulp.

“Kristen” briefly spoke to the New York Times last night about the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal, but provided few sordid details. Sorry guys.

Law enforcement officials identified the governor as a “Client No. 9″ who had a February 13 sexual encounter with “Kristen” and paid her $4,300.

The rest, as they say, is political sex scandal history. Anyway, below is a look at some of Ashley Dupre’s MySpace friends. They look like a classy bunch!

Ashley Dupre’s MySpace Friends!

It’s a tough call, but ForBiddeN aka Christine Dolce is our face! Follow the jump for a glimpse at a very special Ashley Dupre Facebook group!

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