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YES by Hilton Hater

In a world of sex tapes and naked photos, Miley Cyrus is as pure as a fresh snowfall.

The allegedly racy photos of the young singer never depict her in anything less than underwear. That would be considered bundling up for truly promiscuous celebs such as Tila Tequila.

If Miley says she’s a virgin, I see no reason to disbelieve her. What proof does anyone have to the contrary? A Vanity Fair photo shoot featuring her covered by a sheet?


Aside from Cyrus’ word, let’s look at her schedule. She’s often on tour. She’s the star of her own TV show. When would Miley even have time to find a boyfriend and build up the sort of trust needed to allow him into her precious garden of love?

Miley Cyrus has given us such hit songs as “7 Things” and “See You Again.”

The least we can do in return is give her the benefit of the virginal doubt.

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Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq. A new Government Accountability Office report looks at Iraq’s spending patterns and its windfall oil revenues. The agency notes that Iraq’s government has run massive budget surpluses over the past two years and outlines some difficulties local officials have faced in trying to spend these funds on capital improvements.

Actuaries Advocate Raising Social Security’s Retirement Age. The American Academy of Actuaries recommends an immediate increase in the retirement age to help alleviate strain on the Social Security system. The professional organization attributes the crunch to an increase in longevity over the past several decades.

Screening for Prostate Cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent panel of experts convened under government auspices, issued new recommendations about who should be screened for prostate cancer. The new advice discourages screening for men over 75.

Kids’ Meals: Obesity on the Menu. The Center for Science in the Public Interest evaluates the nutritional content of children’s menus at 25 popular fast food and restaurant chains, finding, unsurprisingly, that many choices are high in calories, fat, and sodium.

One Year Progress Report: the Department’s Comprehensive National Security Oversight Initiative.

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They’re the most talked about siblings since Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger were paired up in a certain 1988 movie.

Indeed, the first photos of Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline may have sold for almost as much money as the above-referenced film, Twins.

People Magazine reportedly shelled out $14 million for the following pic of Brangelina’s babies. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are giving the money to charity. Yes, on top of being gorgeous, these actors are model humanitarians.

Enjoy the shot of Knox and Vivienne after this article’s jump…

Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline

Pick up a copy of this week’s People for 19 pages of Brangelina baby photos!

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After lashing out at John McCain for promoting off-shore oil drilling as a solution to the energy crisis only after meeting with a group of oil executives — and then receiving more than $1 million from oil company employees after announcing his plan — Obama took his GOP rival to task for an ad comparing the Illinois Senator to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

“Given the seriousness of the issues, given the fact that the decisions that we make right now are going to help to determine the future not just of next generation but perhaps generations after that, given the magnitude of our challenges when it comes to energy and health care and jobs and our foreign policy, you’d think that we’d be having a serious debate,” he told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, IA. “But so far, all we’ve been hearing about is Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.”

Obama’s referring to the latest McCain ad, called “Celeb,” that uses brief images of the two young women who are mostly famous simply for being famous — along with pictures from Obama’s massive speech in Berlin to argue that he’s all flash, no substance.

Obama seemed to disagree. “I do have to ask my opponent, is that the best you could come up with?” he said to cheers. “Is that really what this election’s about? Is that really what is worthy of the American people?”

“I’m not interested in getting into a tit for tat. These negative ads, these negative attacks, spending all this time talking about me instead of talking about what he’s going to do – that’s not going to lower your gas prices,” said Obama. “It doesn’t do a single thing to help the American people. It’s politics as a game. But the time for game playing is over, that’s why I’m running for president.”

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SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Three tech giants — Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Yahoo — said on Tuesday they are teaming up on a research project to help turn Web services into reliable, everyday utilities.
The companies are joining forces with academic researchers in Asia, Europe and the United States to create an experimental network that lets researchers test “cloud-computing” projects — Web-wide services that can reach billions of users at once.
Their goal is to promote open collaboration among industry, academic and government researchers by removing financial and logistical barriers to working on hugely computer-intensive, Internet-wide projects.
Founding members of the consortium said they aim to create a level playing field for individual researchers and organizations of all sizes to conduct research on software, network management and the hardware needed to deliver Web-wide services as billions of computer and phone users come online.
“No one institution or company is going to figure this out,” said Prabhakar Raghavan, the head of Yahoo Research who is also a consulting professor of computer science at nearby Stanford University.
Cloud computing has become the industry’s biggest buzzword. It is a catch-all term to describe how Internet-connected hardware and software once delivered as discreet products can be managed as Web-based, utility-like services.
“Potentially the entire planet will come to rely on this, like electricity,” Raghavan said, referring to the push to make everything from daily communications to shopping to entertainment into always-available, on-demand Web services.
“We are all trying to move from the horse driving the wagon to a million ants driving the wagon,” Raghavan said of the need to let computers manage millions of small jobs, adding that the available capacity on the Web would vary widely. “The challenge can be a billion ants one day and a million ants the next.” Continued…
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Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times

Taber Lightfoot sought reimbursement for cellphone spam.

Cellphones have become consumers’ most personal technological devices. Some industry executives, along with consumer groups and security experts, are concerned that unwanted text messages on phones will be an even greater headache than unwanted computer messages.

Cellphone spam is particularly annoying to its recipients because it is more invasive — announcing itself with a beep — and can be costly.

Taber Lightfoot, an assistant director for new media at the Yale School of Management, is among those who have paid for the privilege of receiving cellphone spam.

“I was at work and I got so annoyed,” she said of the first burst of three messages she received. She got another burst two days later.

“That is when I called Verizon and demanded they reimburse me $1.60 for eight text messages,” Ms. Lightfoot said. “It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was my money.”

American consumers are expected to receive an estimated 1.5 billion unsolicited text messages in 2008, according to Ferris Research, based in San Francisco, which tracks mobile messaging trends. That is nearly double what they received in 2006.

Of course that is a small percentage of the overall number of messages: an industry survey showed that consumers in the United States sent and received about 48 billion text messages in December alone. But for many people who are charged as much as 20 cents for an incoming message or are interrupted in the middle of dinner, even one is too many.

“The reason this really burns people up is because they have to pay for messages they don’t want, and they shouldn’t have to,” said Chris Murray, senior counsel for Consumers Union, a nonprofit group.

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Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson and actor Ryan Reynolds, who have been silently dating for over a year, decided to take their relationship to the next level and got engaged, Johansson’s rep confirmed in a statement to People.

“They’re both thrilled,” Johansson’s rep Marcel Pariseau was quoted by People as saying.

However, according to E!Online, a source close to Johansson claims that the couple have actually been betrothed “for a little while,” and they have kept the engagement on the down-low because “they want to keep things private.”

The two started dating in the spring of 2007, shortly after Reynolds, 31, broke off his engagement to singer Alanis Morissette following a four-year relationship. Scarlett also dated her “Black Dahlia” co-star, Josh Hartnett, for about two years until the end of 2006.

Earlier this year, the 23-year-old actress was spotted shopping for wedding dresses in Los Angeles, but immediately rejected engagement rumors, explaining that a member of her family was getting married, not her.

The couple is next expected to attend the Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala in New York, where Johansson will undoubtedly debut her ring.

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Anyone who watched the Kentucky Derby on Saturday had to feel saddened and amazed — saddened, of course, by the death of the filly Eight Belles and amazed by the power of the winner, Big Brown. As a longtime very ambivalent fan of horse racing and a lover of thoroughbreds, I can’t help seeing what happened as a kind of paradigm of Thoroughbredness, if you want to call it that.

I have a friend who trains a jumper who is a relative of Eight Belles, a son of her grandsire, Unbridled. When my friend got the horse, a woman he knows, a steward at Santa Anita, told him to watch out, because Unbridleds tend to be unsound and fearless, and my friend has found this to be the case. Where most horses have at least some caution, my friend’s horse will try anything. His mental toughness and competitiveness always take over, no matter what the circumstances.

This is what we saw in Eight Belles: she was more resolute and competitive than was good for her, and she literally ran herself to death. When the race was finished, every part of her was exhausted, including, I am sure, the support apparatus of ligaments and tendons that were keeping her bones together. She probably stumbled and broke one ankle, then stepped hard on the other and broke that one. Then she fell.

But Big Brown was the other half of the equation. Big Brown looks to be a truly exceptional horse — exceptionally strong and exceptionally competitive, possibly the Secretariat of our day. When Eight Belles decided she wasn’t going to give up, she risked herself more than she would have with a lesser horse — and in general, male horses are stronger than female horses, which is why so few fillies run in the Derby.

Some people think there should be no horse racing. Certainly, horse racing as a spectator sport is staggering under the weight of these recent horrors — Barbaro, and now this. But as I’ve written elsewhere, without horse racing, there would be no thoroughbreds as we know them, and there is nothing like them. The thoroughbreds I have bred and trained and now ride, modest specimens all, are athletic, game and eager, full of energy and intelligence. Beautiful, too.

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This Saturday’s Kentucky Derby is right around the corner, so here’s your guide to everything Derby-related. First up: Drinks!

Everybody’s know that the most important aspect of Kentucky Derby day is drinking. Here is the official Kentucky Derby Mint Julep recipe:

Early Times Mint Julep

* 2 cups sugar
* 2 cups water
* Sprigs of fresh mint
* Crushed ice
* Early Times Kentucky Whiskey
* Silver Julep Cups

Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with six or eight sprigs of fresh mint, then refrigerate overnight. Make one julep at a time by filling a julep cup with crushed ice, adding one tablespoon mint syrup and two ounces of Early Times Kentucky Whisky. Stir rapidly with a spoon to frost the outside of the cup. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

For some other drink options, you can check out Drink Of The Week, where they have Derby-themed recipes for drinks like “The Crown Of Roses” and the “Royal Stretch”.

For ideas on how to serve those cocktails with panache (plus more recipes), read celebrity party planner Marcy Blum’s post How To Throw A Killer Kentucky Derby Party.

Now that you’re nice and liquored up, it’s a great time to start gambling. Place your Kentucky Derby bets here or put all that Kentucky Derby money here. The race’s official site also has a great list of websites for licensed and safe wagering.

It’s customary to get all dolled up up for the Kentucky Derby, so generally people put a lot of work into it. Have a look at some celebrity attendees who have dressed to the nines over the years:

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And, finally, the next best thing about the Derby is the horse names. At times absurd yet somehow regal, there’s nothing more fun than trying to make up your own (Swift Pickle, anyone?). For some guidelines on how to name your horse, you can consult eHow’s “How To Name A Racehorse”.

Curious about the real-life horses? You can check out this rundown of the official Kentucky Derby contenders.

So now you’re all set! How are you planning on spending the big day? Think we missed anything? Share all your recipes, plans, and ideas below!

2008 Kentucky Derby Horses, Anna Nicole Smith Kentucky Derby, Celebrities Kentucky Derby, Chloe Sevigny Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Dave Chappelle Kentucky Derby, Derby Betting Websites, Derby Horses, Derby Odds, Derby Picks, Erykah Badu Kentucky Derby, Horse Names, How To Name a Horse, How To Name a Racehorse, Jerry O’Connell Kentucky Derby, Jessica Simpson Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Derby Betting, Kentucky Derby Betting Websites, Kentucky Derby Contenders, Kentucky Derby Drink Recipes, Kentucky Derby Hats, Kentucky Derby Horses, Kentucky Derby Post Time, Kentucky Oaks, KY Derby, Larry Birkhead Kentucky Derby, Mint Julep, Mint Julep Recipe, Nick Lachey Kentucky Derby, Petra Nemcova Kentucky Derby, Queen Elizabeth Kentucky Derby, Racehorse Names, Rebecca Romijn Kentucky Derby, Slash Kentucky Derby, Slideshow, Vanessa Minnillo Kentucky Derby, Video, Living News

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