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Archive for January 2009

The US Airways jet in the Hudson River
The US Airways jet in the Hudson River

A former executive producer at ABC’s Good Morning America and a senior broadcast producer at NBC Nightly News, Ben Sherwood has written a new book, The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life, that discusses, among other things, what you can do to survive a plane crash. Sherwood talked to TIME shortly after a US Airways flight made a crash landing in the Hudson River. (See pictures of the Hudson River plane crash.)

It seems that all the people got off this flight safely. That’s sort of shocking, isn’t it?

I write in The Survivors Club about the “myth of hopelessness.” People think that all plane crashes are fatal. That’s because of TWA 800 and Egypt Air and ValuJet and Pan Am 103 and all these other flight names and numbers that are emblazoned in our mind because everybody died. But in fact, if you look at the last two major incidents involving passenger jets in the United States, in Denver and now this one — I’m assuming from the CNN reporting that they think everyone is safe — but in both of the major incidents, the plane that went off the runway in Denver and this incident, you’ve got very, very high survival rates: 100% in Denver — with some injuries, obviously — and what looks like 100% here. People generally believe that no one survives a plane crash. But according to government data, 95.7% of the passengers involved in airplane crashes categorized as accidents actually survive. Then, if you look at the most serious plane crashes, that’s a smaller number; the survival rate in the most serious kinds of accidents is 76.6%. So the point there is, when the NTSB [National Transportation Safety Board] analyzed all the airplane accidents between 1983 and 2000, 53,000 people were involved in those accidents, and 51,000 survived. That’s an incredibly high survival rate.

Are you surprised that all the passengers seem to have gotten off the plane so quickly? Post Source Link

LIMA (Reuters) – Peru’s top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk on the job, a decision that was criticized by the government on Wednesday for setting a dangerous precedent.

The Constitutional Tribunal ordered that Pablo Cayo be given his job back as a janitor for the municipality of Chorrillos, which fired him for being intoxicated at work.

The firing was excessive because even though Cayo was drunk, he did not offend or hurt anybody, Fernando Calle, one of the justices, said on Wednesday.

Calle said the court would not revise its decision, despite complaints from the government.

“It’s not a good idea to relax rules at workplaces,” said Labor Minister Jorge Villasante.

Celso Becerra, the administrative chief of Chorrillos, a suburb of Lima, denounced the ruling. Post Source Link

Windows 7

I still haven’t tried the Windows 7 beta, but everywhere I look I see more and more people speaking very positively about it (our own Dave Freeman positively shines with happiness talking about it). Truth be told, I’m not very interested in operating systems these days: the overwhelming majority of things I use my computers for are done through my web browser, so the OS is becoming less and less relevant to me. I use Ubuntu, and am reasonably happy with it, but according to some Windows 7 will put the final nail in the coffin of desktop Linux.

Nick Farrell, over at the Inquirer, makes the bold claim that Windows 7 is enough to kill Linux on the desktop. I’m left a little perplexed about this claim after reading his thoughts, though. He enumerates a number of small hiccups he experienced, and doesn’t gush about Windows 7 as enthusiastically as the title suggests. Oh, I get it! He’s trolling!

If Microsoft had released Windows 7 instead of Vista there would have been no rise of Ubuntu or OSX. Now, alas, it is only a matter of time until people come back to the claws of [Microsoft]. The Linux crowd were too busy talking about their superiority on the server and ignored the desktop to the OS’s eventual doom. Windows 7 is as pretty as Apple stuff, just as easy to use, and does not treat you like a moron. Post Source Link

There’s a post title I thought I’d never write. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, posted a video of her cats on her official YouTube page and then promptly RickRolls viewers at the 37 second mark.

“In honor of the launch of, Speaker Pelosi presents a behind the scenes view of the Speaker’s Office in the US Capitol.”

This is the person who becomes President of the United States of America if the right two people go down.

I’m moving to Canada. Thanks for the tip Michael. Post Source Link

Burger King, through their insanely creative advertising agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky (see their recent Burger King perfume launch), launches a Facebook application that encourages users to remove Facebook friends. Sacrifice ten of them and you got a free Whopper. 233,906 friends were removed by 82,771 people in less than a week.

Facebook is overjoyed, right? What a great example to show the Madison Avenue agencies on how a big brand can get real engagement from users. This is the future of advertising. Or it could have been, if Facebook hadn’t shut it down, citing privacy issues:

We encourage creativity from developers and brands using Facebook Platform, but we also must ensure that applications follow users’ expectations of privacy. This application facilitated activity that ran counter to user privacy by notifying people when a user removes a friend. We have reached out to the developer with suggested solutions. In the meantime, we are taking the necessary steps to assure the trust users have established on Facebook is maintained. Post Source Link

Earlier this month, Microsoft Research released Songsmith, a song-making app that works only on Windows. To promote the app it released what might very well be the worst promo video ever, featuring a girl singing in front of her laptop about how great Songsmith is.

Besides just being painful to watch (see for yourself below), the laptop she is using to show her Dad how to use Songsmith is a Mac! Did I mention that Songsmith only works on PCs? Whoever made the video thought they could fool everyone by covering up the Apple logo and the rest of the laptop with stickers. Or maybe they knew that would be the only way anybody would bother to watch the video.

(Hat tip to reader Doug Hirsch for pointing this out). Post Source Link

Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) — Bank of America Corp., the largest U.S. bank by assets, received a $138 billion emergency lifeline from the government to support its acquisition of Merrill Lynch & Co. and prevent the global financial crisis from deepening.

The U.S. government agreed to invest $20 billion more in Bank of America and guarantee $118 billion of assets “as part of its commitment to support financial-market stability,” the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said in a joint statement shortly after midnight in Washington.

The bailout may increase pressure on Chief Executive Officer Kenneth D. Lewis, who reports fourth-quarter results today, to defend his decision to buy the ailing Merrill. Lewis overreached by rescuing two money-losing firms in six months, including New York-based Merrill and Calabasas, California-based Countrywide Financial Corp., said analysts including Paul Miller of Friedman Billings Ramsey Group Inc.

“This thing is unraveling so fast that he may know his job is lost,” Miller said.

Bank of America spokesman Robert Stickler said the firm doesn’t comment on “uninformed gossip.”

Shares of Bank of America plunged 18 percent yesterday, sliding $1.88 to $8.32 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading after hitting $7.35, its lowest level since February 1991. The bank moved up its fourth-quarter report to today at 7 a.m. New York time.

‘Fire-Fighting Tactics’

“The motivation is to try and basically get information to the market sooner rather than later because of all the anxiety that’s out there,” said Bert Ely, chief executive officer of Ely & Co., a bank consulting firm in Alexandria, Virginia. It’s a “very tense situation now,” he said. Post Source Link

WASHINGTON: Security officials in the United States are bracing themselves for the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama later this month.

Crowds of between 2 and 3 million people are expected in Washington DC, and authorities have organised a major security zone extending miles around the centre of the city.

Tens of thousands of police, military personnel and security agents have been mobilised to put in place one of the most extensive and meticulously planned event security operations ever seen.

Mark Sullivan, director, Secret Service, said: “Security for this event is going to be at an extremely high level. Secretary Chertoff has stated that there is no credible intelligence to suggest that there is a threat to any of the inaugural events.

“Nevertheless, given its historic nature and its importance to our democratic process, we have endeavoured to make this inauguration as safe and secure as possible.”

Around the rehearsals for the swearing-in ceremony, officials have been erecting barriers and planning secure entry points for the crowds.

Sharon Kehnemui Liss, senior editor, Fox News, said: “There’s been a little bit of angst going on about how we’re going to get here, getting through those crowds when the streets are cut off and security is as tight as it’s ever been.”

Intelligence agencies said they have so far detected no credible terrorist threat. But members of the public are advised to be vigilant and to be alert. Post Source Link

GAZA CITY (AFP) — Israeli troops again pounded Gaza on Friday after killing a top Hamas leader, as the Islamists offered a conditional truce amid a diplomatic push to end the war that has killed more than 1,100 people.

Israel sent envoys to Egypt for more talks on Cairo’s plan for a ceasefire and to Washington to sign an agreement on preventing arms smuggling into Gaza, its key demand for ending the offensive which is now in its 21st day.

The army locked down the occupied West Bank for 48 hours after Hamas called for a day of “wrath” against the offensive in Gaza that on Thursday saw one of its top leaders, interior minister Said Siam, killed in an air strike.

Siam is the most senior leader killed in the war, a Hamas hardliner who oversaw the creation of the movement’s police force and was a key figure in the 2007 ouster from Gaza of forces loyal to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.

A day after Israeli raids set landmark buildings ablaze in Gaza’s main city, the military pummelled the territory with some 40 air strikes against fighters, tunnels and a mosque suspected of being used as a weapons store, the army said.

There was no immediate word on casualties.

In the pre-dawn hours, Israeli tanks withdrew from the Gaza City neighbourhood of Tal Al-Hawa, where clashes the previous day levelled parts of the residential area and set a hospital ablaze.

Medics rushed into the area, the site of furious clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian fighters that sent hundreds of terrified civilians fleeing for safety.

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Israeli soldiers prepare their tank on the Israel-Gaza border Post Source Link

In September of last year, Google announced its opposition to California’s Proposition 8. in the wake of the election many were concerned with the impact Proposition 8 could have on the personal lives of people they work with every day, and on California’s ability to attract and retain a diverse mix of employees from around the world.

That’s why we’ve signed an amicus brief (PDF file) in support of several cases currently challenging Proposition 8 in the California Supreme Court. Denying employees basic rights isn’t right, and it isn’t good for businesses. We are committed to preserving fundamental rights for every one of the people who work hard to make Google a success.

Please join us in continuing to fight for equality for all Californians. Post Source Link