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CNN’s Hologram Tehnology – Beneficial? Or Not?

Posted on: November 9, 2008

CNN has made a groundbreaking discovery and a huge progress when it comes to live field transmissions. Except for the fact that on Tuesday, the Presidential Eelection was won by Barack Obama, making the Democrat Senator the nation’s 44th President and the United States’ 1st African-American President, CNN used pioneering technology to share the information with the millions of Americans watching.

Wolf Blitzer was responsible with introducing the novelty item to the world, warning the audience that “you’ve never seen anything like this on television.” Almost immediately, CNN’s political correspondent Jessica Yellin made her appearance in the studio, just feet away from Blitzer. In fact, Yellin was physically still in Chicago, Illinois, where she continued to follow Barack Obama’s campaign and the gargantuan rally on Tuesday night.

So how was that possible? CNN is apparently using holograms now! The “Star Wars” references were of course inevitable, as Yellin herself stated “It’s like I follow in the tradition of Princess Leia. It’s something else. Jay Leno of course had some fun with the similarity between Yellin’s apparition, surrounded by a blurry, blue haze and the “Star Wars” scene.

The internet, as expected, is already full of spoofs, parodies and mash-ups, some of them including Yellin with Carrie Fisher and the Star Wars lines. The “hologram”, however, was not an actual hologram, as CNN had to use both a green screen and overlaying images. True hologram technology implies capturing light and reconstructing it – a very expensive technology. Post Source Link

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