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Sharon Stone Denies Recommending Botox for Son’s Feet – Sharon Stone :

Posted on: October 2, 2008

Sharon Stone Photo by: Eugene Hoshiko / AP
Sharon Stone Denies Recommending Botox for Son's Feet
tiiQuigoWriteAd(757767, 1348106, 180, 240, -1); Sharon Stone denies ever recommending that her 8-year-old son get Botox treatments for foot odor, the actress’s lawyer says in a statement.

“Sharon Stone never made this statement. It is a complete fabrication,” says attorney Martin Singer.

The widely reported comment was contained in court papers as part of Stone’s custody tangles with ex-husband, Phil Bronstein. The judge cited the alleged remark as an example of Stone’s overreaction to son Roan’s medical issues.

Stone, 50, lost a bid to move her son from Bronstein’s home in San Francisco to her house in Los Angeles.

Singer said that despite the judge’s decision, the former couple’s original custody arrangement remained in place.

“Sharon Stone sought to modify her custody arrangement with her ex-husband by having her son spend most of the school year with her,” says Singer.

“Although the court denied Sharon’s request to modify the custody arrangement already in place, Sharon will maintain the same custody arrangement and visitation that she’s had with her child for the past several years and still has joint legal and physical custody of her son,” the attorney added. “Sharon loves her son Roan and only wants the best for him.” Post Source Link

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