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Archive for August 6th, 2008

Am Become Death: Atomic Bomb Dropped 8/6/1945

Posted on 06 August 2008 by Kevin

Today in history, on this day August 6, 1945, U.S. bomber, the Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima Japan killing over 80,000 and injuring tens of thousands more.

President Harry Truman made the decision to end the war because Japan had not unconditionally surrendered.

Truman felt that a prolonged war with Japan and our allies having to fight them on the mainland would cause mass casualties, so at 8:16 a.m. Japanese time the bomb was dropped.

The name of the atom bomb was called “Little Boy,” and a subsequent bomb named “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki Japan a short while later.

Over 60,000 more Japanese would die from radiation fallout within a year’s time from the first blast.

Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who worked on the bomb quoted from the Bhagavad-Gita.

“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that one way or another.”

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BOSTON – Eleven people, including a U.S. Secret Service informant, have been charged in connection with the hacking of nine major retailers and the theft and sale of more than 41 million credit and debit card numbers, the Justice Department announced Tuesday.

The data breach is believed to be the largest hacking and identity theft case ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice, which said the suspects were charged with conspiracy, computer intrusion, fraud and identity theft.

Three of those charged are U.S. citizens while the others are from places such as Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus and China.

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Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Vivienne, Knox People

After the reported $14 million charity payout to parents Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, maybe their little one Knox will become known as Fort Knox. He and his twin sister, Vivienne, sure look cute and a half on the cover of People magazine. The issue hits newsstands tomorrow, but you can catch a tease of the 19-page spread here. Internationally, Hello! magazine secured the rights and has a 17-page spread coming tomorrow as well.

“It is chaos, but we are managing it and having a wonderful time,” Jolie tells People and Hello!

We think People‘s cover may be the best celebrity-baby magazine cover ever. Let us know if you agree in the comments section. And compare how they stack up in our Best of the Celeb-Baby Mag Covers gallery.

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New Calvin Klein It Girl Eva Mendes’ new titillating ad for Secret Obsession perfume is soooo racy that it’s been banned on TV!

In the 30-second TV spot, Mendes caresses herself, rolls around in an unmade bed and flashes one of her nipples. She then whispers in a husky voice: “Between love and madness lies obession. Love … madness it’s my secret.”

Calvin Klein prez Tom Murry says he’s not surprised by the ban.

We believe the commercial is exceptional and hits the mark for Secret Obsession,” he told the Daily News. “We are anticipating a very successful global launch.”

An edited version of the racy TV spot will run on cable TV while the original ad will run abroad.

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Paris Hilton Spoof of McCain Video (skip to middle)

Paris Hiltons Ad On McCain -(Full Ad!)

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Millionaire socialite Paris Hilton has jumped into the U.S. election campaign, calling Republican candidate John McCain a “wrinkly white-haired guy” and offering her own energy policy.

The blonde Hilton, dressed in a leopard print swim suit and gold pumps, jokingly declared her own candidacy in a video posted on the website Funny or Die, saying: “I want America to know that I’m, like, totally ready to lead.”

She was responding to a television ad by McCain, 71, that used her image to attack Democratic rival Barack Obama.

The 27-year-old socialite said McCain’s use of her in the ad, which sought to undermine Obama by likening his popularity to her celebrity, had effectively put her in the race for the top U.S. office.

Pretending to take time off from reading a travel magazine as she leaned back on a lounge chair, Hilton insinuated herself into the hot issue between Obama and McCain — how to solve the U.S. energy crisis.

“We can do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars,” Hilton simpered, drawing on suggestions from both candidates.

Hilton, a tabloid favorite who gained fame from a notorious home-made sex tape, offered to paint the White House pink and threw down the gauntlet to McCain and Obama.

“I’ll see you at the debates, bitches,” she said. Continued…
