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Archive for August 1st, 2008

Carla Bruni stars on the cover of this month’s Vanity Fair,

Vanity Fair’s International Best-Dressed List is an excruciating pleasure. For the socially ambitious, reading it is the fashion equivalent of having hot wax drizzled over you by a fetishistic lover. You protest, you contort your face, but in the end you have to know what it feels like to go on. Maybe it is too easy to suggest this annual exercise should be renamed the “International Brown-Nose List.” The model and singer Carla Bruni has been dressing herself successfully at least since her years on the catwalk. But in February she became the First Lady of France—a position that may not affect her innate style, but makes her immeasurably more useful to the editors of Vanity Fair. Bienvenue sur la liste, madame!

But there is a lot to enjoy in this year’s line-up, much of it between the lines. Julia Koch is coyly described only as “mother of three,” but you can also call her Mrs. Billionaire David Koch.

Now, that’s cool.

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After lashing out at John McCain for promoting off-shore oil drilling as a solution to the energy crisis only after meeting with a group of oil executives — and then receiving more than $1 million from oil company employees after announcing his plan — Obama took his GOP rival to task for an ad comparing the Illinois Senator to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

“Given the seriousness of the issues, given the fact that the decisions that we make right now are going to help to determine the future not just of next generation but perhaps generations after that, given the magnitude of our challenges when it comes to energy and health care and jobs and our foreign policy, you’d think that we’d be having a serious debate,” he told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, IA. “But so far, all we’ve been hearing about is Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.”

Obama’s referring to the latest McCain ad, called “Celeb,” that uses brief images of the two young women who are mostly famous simply for being famous — along with pictures from Obama’s massive speech in Berlin to argue that he’s all flash, no substance.

Obama seemed to disagree. “I do have to ask my opponent, is that the best you could come up with?” he said to cheers. “Is that really what this election’s about? Is that really what is worthy of the American people?”

“I’m not interested in getting into a tit for tat. These negative ads, these negative attacks, spending all this time talking about me instead of talking about what he’s going to do – that’s not going to lower your gas prices,” said Obama. “It doesn’t do a single thing to help the American people. It’s politics as a game. But the time for game playing is over, that’s why I’m running for president.”

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