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Archive for July 19th, 2008

If Mac clone maker Psystar manages to survive what’s sure to be an expensive copyright battle with Apple over its right to sell Mac clones, the company may need to find new headquarters — again.
Internet real estate sites show that the building that houses Psystar — a Doral, Fla., property that is essentially a distribution warehouse — is on the market for $4.6 million.
One ad for the property, which makes no mention of Psystar, notes that it’s a 47,000-square-foot “warehouse/office building.” The ad boasts that the property is “priced for quick sale” and adds that it includes “space for bulk, rack and bin storage, aisle space, receiving and shipping space, packing and crating space, and office space with bathrooms.”
In other words, it’s perfect for assembling and shipping computers.
Florida state records indicate that the property is currently owned by a company called Constructora Canahuati, which has no apparent connection to Psystar.
Psystar has had several addresses in its brief history. When it first popped up in April, it called 112th Street in Miami home. It then switched to two different addresses on NW 28th St. in Doral, Fla., before settling on building number 10475.
Apple filed a copyright infringement suit against Psystar earlier this month, charging that Psystar has been selling Macintosh clones in violation of Apple’s software license. “We take it very seriously when we believe people have stolen our intellectual property,” said an Apple spokeswoman earlier this week.
Apple is asking the U.S. District Court in San Francisco to order Psystar to stop selling Mac clones and to recall units it’s already sold. Psystar officials have not returned calls seeking comment.
Psystar claims its Mac clones cost about one-quarter to half of what Apple branded systems sell for. In defense of its clones, the company charges that Apple marks up the cost of the hardware on which its operating systems ride by as much as 80%.
One version of Psystar’s Open Computer features Apple’s Leopard OS X 10.5 INTC) Core2Duo processor at 2.66 GHz, a 250-GB hard drive, and an Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT graphics card.
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