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Twitter May Not Have To Care About Uptime Any Longer

Posted on: April 22, 2008

We used to speculate that Twitter’s persistent downtime and overall poor service quality could result in a Friendster-type nose dive. But after a three day weekend outage I realized that in the last two months a subtle shift occured: I now need Twitter more than Twitter needs me.

So while Robert Scoble speculates that FriendFeed is the big winner when Twitter goes down, and Dave Winer hacks together contingency plans for the next outage that remind me of stockpiling candles and bottled water for the next big storm, I just shake my head at how wonderfully we’ve all be had.

Some will argue, as does Robert Scoble, that Twitter’s open API allows other services to suck off their users and eventually supplant them if the service outages continue. But as more services use the Twitter API, the value of the core message transmission engine behind the service increases. All Twitter has to be is the pipes to win. And, since they clearly are the pipes, they’ve already won.

I’ve Twittered this post to my followers. But since they’re having an outage affecting popular users, no one can see it. Ah well.

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Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Founded: March 1, 2006
Funding: $5.4M

Founded in March of 2006, Twitter is social networking and micro-blogging site that allows users to post their latest updates. An update is limited by 140 characters and can be posted through three methods: web form, text message, or instant message…. Learn More

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