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Pope warns against undermining U.N. | U.S. | Reuters

Posted on: April 18, 2008

“(Reuters) – Countries that act unilaterally on the world stage undermine the authority of the United Nations and weaken the broad consensus needed to confront global problems, Pope Benedict said on Friday.

In a major speech to the U.N. General Assembly, the pope also said that the international community sometimes had to intervene when a country could not protect its own people from ‘grave and sustained violations of human rights.’

The pope, who arrived from Washington on the second leg of a U.S. trip, became only the third pontiff in history to address the General Assembly.

Speaking in French and English from the Assembly’s green marble podium, he gave a wide-ranging address on issues such as globalization, human rights and the environment.

The international community must be ‘capable of responding to the demands of the human family through binding international rules,’ said the 81-year-old pope, who spoke after meeting privately with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.”

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