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Archive for April 2008

How can they not be tired?

Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are undeniably exhausted. They’ve been campaigning hard for more than a year, and their wall-to-wall schedules won’t let up anytime soon. Neither wants to cede ground in their epic struggle for the Democratic nomination.

Fatigue, however, breeds unforced errors — and both candidates have made some in the past few weeks.

He turned in a weak debate performance in Pennsylvania, took heat for saying residents of small-town America were bitter and inadvertently praised Republican John McCain. She, too, had a sub-par debate and mistakenly claimed to have landed under sniper fire in Bosnia as first lady.

“Sometimes. Yes, of course,” Obama, 46, acknowledged Tuesday when asked whether he was exhausted.

The Illinois senator was in the midst of a near 20-hour campaign day. He left his hotel at 6 a.m. for satellite TV interviews in Philadelphia and didn’t stop moving until his plane touched down Wednesday in Chicago at 1:30 a.m.

Fourteen years his senior, Clinton laughed off a question about how she maintained a grueling schedule.

“It’s been a 15-month campaign and, if everything had been as much fun as Pennsylvania, it wouldn’t feel like 15 years,” the 60-year-old said — uncharacteristically showing weariness.

As the Democrats continue their long days of tussling, Republican nominee-in-waiting McCain, energetic at 71, has pared back his schedule considerably from the before-sun-up to after-sun-down days of the GOP primary fight.

Since the Arizona senator wrapped up the nomination last month, he has kept to just one or two public events a day. To be sure, he’s at work behind the scenes raising money and preparing for the general election. But most weekends he opts for down time in Phoenix or at his cabin in Sedona, Ariz., resting up for the fall fight.

It’s a luxury Obama and Clinton don’t have.

The next Democratic primaries — Indiana and North Carolina — are May 6, just two weeks away, and the stakes are extraordinary.

So, the excruciatingly long days will continue.

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NVIDIA is ready to deliver on last week’s promise

When we think of notebook computers which use Intel Pentium Dual Core, Core 2 Solo, or Core 2 Duo processors, the systems are usually paired with an Intel Northbridge and Southbridge. Intel hopes to carry on this tradition with its Centrino 2 platform which is slated to launch during the summer.

NVIDIA, however, has plans of its own when it comes to mobile platforms for Intel-based notebooks. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang recently called Intel out on its integrated desktop/mobile graphics performance. Huang even went so far as to say that NVIDIA would “open a can of whoop ass” when it comes to its upcoming products.

It appears that NVIDIA’s first few cans of “whoop ass” are just now leaving the factory and they are labeled MCP79. MCP79 is a new single-chip integrated chipset for “small form factor” notebooks according to NVIDIA. Each variant of MCP79 incorporates a DX10-capable GeForce graphics controller supporting Shader Model 4.0, NVIDIA’s VP3 video processor, and support for Hybrid Power/Hybrid SLI/Hybrid Performance.

In addition, MCP79 features a single-channel TMDS interface for HDMI 1.2, support for a 1066 MHz FSB, 800 MHz DDR2, 1333 MHz DDR3 memory support, 3 Gbps SATA/eSATA, NVIDIA DriveCache (similar to Intel Turbo Memory), an NVIDIA GbE controller, High Definition Audio, TPM 1.2, and up to 20 PCIe 2.0 lanes.

NVIDIA has plans for six members of the MCP79 family. On the low-end, the MCP79ML lacks such features as RAID 0/1, PCIe x16, DisplayCache, and DriveCache. The MCP79GLM will feature a Quadro-based graphics controller instead of GeForce and the MCP79-SLI will support NVIDIA SLI as its name implies. Other members of the family include the MCP79MH, MCP79MX, and MCP79MVL.

NVIDIA’s MCP79 family will be going toe-to-toe with Intel’s Centrino 2 platform (Montevina) in June. Montevina Northbridges will include the integrated GM45/GM47 and the discrete PM45. The integrated Northbridges will incorporate Intel’s new X4500 HD graphics processor (DX10, HDMI, DisplayPort) which NVIDIA doesn’t think too highly of at this point in time. Like NVIDIA’s MCP79, Centrino 2 chipset will support DDR2/DDR3 memory and support FSB’s up to 1066MHz.

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Subscription and ad-supported versions of Office applications in the cards

For many computer users around the world when they think of typing a letter or a research paper, the first thing they think of is Word from Microsoft’s Office suite. The problem for buyers of new computers is that the application typically doesn’t come with a new computer and Office costs in the area of $400 for some versions.

In light of the high price for software that many people simply don’t utilize completely, there are a number of open source alternatives taking some of Microsoft’s thunder away because they are free – applications like OpenOffice and Google Docs for example. Google Docs is especially becoming more interesting to users looking for a Microsoft Office alternative thanks to its recently added offline functionality.

To try and gain back some of what it perceives to be market loss, Microsoft is said to be looking at new business models for its Office applications. According to PC World, Microsoft is considering two new access methods for Office applications including a subscription based model and a free ad-supported version of Microsoft Works.

Exactly what the pricing would be on a subscription version of Microsoft Office is unknown, but as PC World points out it would have to be under $33 per month to remain competitive with the straight purchase option. Many would have a hard time stomaching a subscription-based model.

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CHINA has poured cold water on opposition and Western claims that an arms shipment to Zimbabwe was to be used in a clampdown against MDC-T supporters, pointing out that Harare placed the order last year.

A spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Jiang Yu, has stated the arms contract was signed last year contrary to claims that it was related to the current election situation in Zimbabwe.

“This is normal trade in military products between the two countries,” Jiang told a Press briefing in Beijing.

She added that the shipment was “irrelevant” to what was taking place in Zimbabwe at the moment.

Jiang also reiterated China’s long-held foreign policy that its economic dealings with other countries, including the sale of arms, adhered to a strict policy of non-interference in their sovereign affairs — a stance that has boosted the emerging power’s ties with Africa, much to the chagrin of the West.

This is contrary to claims in some quarters that the Government intends to use the arms in a clampdown on opposition MDC-T supporters.

On Monday, Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Cde Patrick Chinamasa pointed out that Zimbabwe had a right to arm itself to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity while dismissing suggestions that the military would want to use the arms against civilians.

The European Union, the United States and their allies slapped an arms ban on Zimbabwe in 2002 and observers have said in such a situation, it was only natural that the country would increase such trade with traditional partners such as China.

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One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our life.

The disease tends to affect older people – but can strike at any time.

Excluding certain skin cancers, there were more than 270,000 new cases of the disease in 2001 – and the rate is increasing by about 1% a year.

Some cancer, such as breast, are becoming more common, while new cases of lung cancer fall away due to the drop in the number of smokers.

However, while the overall number of new cancers is not falling, the good news is that successful treatment rates for many of the most common types are improving rapidly.

BBC News Online has produced, in conjunction with Cancer Research UK, a guide to some of the most common forms of cancer and the treatments used to tackle them.

To learn more about different types of cancer, and to read the experiences of patients, click on the links below,



Posted on: April 25, 2008


Posted on: April 25, 2008