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Archive for March 2008

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has ordered a complete inventory of the nation’s nuclear arsenal and all associated components after the discovery last week that four secret nuclear missile parts had been mistakenly sent to Taiwan, an error that went unnoticed for more than 18 months.

Gates had already ordered a high-level investigation into how the four nose-cone fuse assemblies for U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles were shipped overseas in place of common helicopter batteries — the military’s second major nuclear-related incident in less than a year.

Senior Pentagon officials have called the episode “extremely embarrassing,” and it has both strained relations with China and called into question the U.S. military’s ability to maintain its arsenal of catastrophic weapons.

“This is about the trust and confidence of the American people and our stewardship of the most dangerous weapons in the world,” said Geoff Morrell, the Pentagon’s press secretary.

“Getting to the bottom of this incident and ensuring our nuclear arsenal and associated components are properly safeguarded must be a top priority of this department. Secretary Gates believes this situation is totally and completely unacceptable.”

Gates has ordered the Air Force, the Navy and the Defense Logistics Agency to take inventory of and assess control measures for all nuclear weapons and their associated parts within 60 days “to verify positive control and accountability of all such materials,” according to a memo released Thursday.

Though the United States has tight control procedures for such devices and equipment, those measures did not prevent the nose cones from being shipped overseas without anyone noticing.

The measures also failed last August, when the Air Force unknowingly flew nuclear warheads between North Dakota and Louisiana, losing track of them for 36 hours.


MOVIE: Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, seen in an image from his movie “Fitna,” released online, has said that in Europe, Islam poses a threat similar to that of fascism before World War II.

Officials braced for protests as a lawmaker posted on the Internet a controversial video about what he sees as the threat of Islam to Europe. Some Muslims say they expected worse.

By Geraldine Baum, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

PARIS — A young Muslim girl in a head scarf calls Jews “apes and pigs.” A nonbeliever is beheaded and another is shot. Verses of the Koran are juxtaposed with horrific images, implying that one begets the other.

The new film by right-wing Dutch legislator Geert Wilders, first posted on the Internet late Thursday, had everyone from the Dutch prime minister to soldiers in Afghanistan braced for angry reactions from offended Muslims. Even before the film was released, there were protests this month by 15,000 people in Afghanistan, with many burning the Dutch flag.

And a spokesman for the Amsterdam police said Friday that the force was on alert and that extra officers would be on the streets in Muslim neighborhoods this weekend.

Before Friday’s midday call to prayer, police were busy contacting imams to gauge reaction at the city’s 50 mosques. But as of late Friday, reaction there appeared muted.

“They were all disgusted by the film, but so far there isn’t a big explosion,” said police spokesman Arnold Aben. “In fact, it’s quieter than usual here today. Sort of like a holiday.”

The 17-minute film, “Fitna,” the Arabic word for strife, was first posted late Thursday on Wilder’s Freedom Party website. The site crashed immediately with heavy traffic, but within minutes the film was available in Dutch and English on the British-based website LiveLeak, which also froze up briefly. By Friday, the film was all over the Internet — on YouTube, Dailymotion and other shared-video sites. LiveLeak later took down the video, saying its staff had received “threats of a very serious nature.”

Wilders has said he made the film to call attention to what he sees as the Islamic threat to Europe — which he compares to the fascism that led to World War II.

Not everyone was impressed.

“It is not very original,” Yusuf Altuntas, deputy chairman of a Muslim umbrella group based in The Hague, said in a phone interview. “We have seen many of these images before. There was no shock so we don’t think there will be problems in Holland. I can’t speak for in the Middle East.”

Altuntas had worried the film would set off riots around the world after Wilders hinted that it included images of the Koran being torn. There is the sound of paper tearing at the end of the film that a viewer might conclude is the Koran, but the text explains it is not pages from the Muslim holy book but rather from a phone book.

“It is not up to me but up to the Muslims to tear the spiteful verses from the Koran,” the text reads.

Wilders, who has full-time police protection because of assassination threats from Islamic extremists, has built a political career fighting what he calls the “Islamization” of the West.

Although his party gets less than 15% support, he is known for stirring emotion in a highly tolerant country with one of Europe’s fastest-growing immigrant populations from Muslim countries.

On Friday, Wilders, 44, told reporters that he was happy there hadn’t been violence after the film’s release. “My intention was not to provoke riots,” he said, according to Agence France-Presse. “On the contrary, I want to encourage debate.”

The new video was met with several counter-videos on the Internet on Friday morning, and the blogosphere was crowded with back-and-forth. On YouTube, a man from Pakistan had put up his own video saying that “Muslims love Jesus Christ, Moses and all prophets of all religions. . . . They respect all scriptures.”

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said in a statement that “the vast majority of Muslims reject extremism and violence.”

“In fact, the victims are often also Muslims. We therefore regret that Mr. Wilders has released this film. We believe it serves no purpose other than to cause offense.”

Assad denied meddling in Lebanon as he hosted the summit boycotted by half of the region’s leader[AFP]

Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan president, poured contempt on fellow Arab leaders at a summit that was overshadowed by the absence of several key figures.

At the annual Arab summit, which opened on Saturday, he criticised Arab countries for doing nothing while the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 and overthrew Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi president.


Gaddafi also repeated his frequently made proposal that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict be settled by creating one democratic state where the two peoples live together, to be called Isratine.

The Libyan leader’s undiplomatic railing at the disarray of Arab nations has become almost a tradition at the annual gathering.

Al Jazeera’s Middle East analyst, Lamis Andoni said: “Gaddafi says what many think, but do not say. His words reflect a prevailing sentiment in the Arab streets that is fed up with the failure of Arab leaders to rise up to challenges.

‘Your turn is next’

Gaddafi asked: “How can we accept that a foreign power comes to topple an Arab leader while we stand watching?”

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Should the Arab League change its stance on peace with Israel?

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He said Saddam had once been an ally of Washington, “but they sold him out”.

“Your turn is next,” Gaddafi told the Arab officials gathered for the conference, some of whom looked stunned while others broke into laughter at his frankness.

In his speech, the Libyan leader also criticised Arab disunity and inaction on the region’s multiple crises.

“Where is the Arabs’ dignity, their future, their very existence? Everything has disappeared,” he said.

“Our blood and our language may be one, but there is nothing that can unite us.”

Gaddafi also mocked a plan by the Arab League to start Arab cooperation on a joint nuclear programme.

“How can we do that? We hate each other, we wish ill of each other and our intelligence services conspire against each other. We are our own enemy.”

Lebanon dispute

The deep divisions in the Arab League were already apparent after a number of Arab leaders chose to stay away from the summit in Damascus accusing Syria of “meddling” in Lebanon’s domestic affairs.

Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s president, used his opening address to deny that his country has been blocking the vote for a new Lebanese president.

Damascus is close to Lebanon’s
Hezbollah-led opposition [AFP]

“I would like to make a point with regards to Syrian interference in Lebanon,” he said.

“It is the contrary which is true because pressure has been exerted on Syria for over a year to interfere in Lebanon’s affairs but we have refused to do so.

“The key to a solution is in the hands of the Lebanese. They have their country, constitution and institutions,” he said.

The seat earmarked for Lebanon was left vacant after Fouad Siniora, Lebanon’s prime minister, said his government had decided to boycott the two-day conference because the country should be represented by the president.

Lebanon has been without a president since Emile Lahoud’s term ended in November as the government and Syrian-backed opposition have been unable to reach agreement.

The summit is due to re-endorse an Arab League initiative for Lebanon which calls for the election of Michel Sleiman, army chief general, as president.

In Beirut, university students tore up pictures of the Syrian president, branding him an “assassin” as he chaired the Arab summit boycotted by Lebanon.

US influence

The Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders stayed away after Washington urged its allies to think twice before attending.

But Syria trumpeted the absence of US allies as a triumph over Washington’s influence.

Amr Moussa, the Arab league chief, spoke of how the summit had solidified the rift between Syria and US allies in the Middle East.

He also echoed words from in his speech from last year’s summit, in which he declared that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process was dead.

Urging Arab foreign ministers to meet in mid-2008, Moussa asked for leaders attending the conference to reconsider their options on Israel and the current negotiations if no progress is seen in the next few weeks.

Assad also questioned how long Arab nations can keep offering Israel peace negotiations.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian president, repeated his request for international peacekeepers to be sent to the Gaza Strip, but Saturday marked the first time he had urged Arab countries to send troops.

The summit came as Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state arrived in the region this weekend for talks with Arab and Israeli leaders on the peace process.

Peace process

In his speech, Abbas took a pessimistic tone over the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations which were renewed in December.

“If we don’t reach a solution by the end of this year, it means the whole region will be on the verge of a new era of tension and loss of confidence
in peace”

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian president

“The coming couple of months are decisive. If we don’t reach a solution by the end of this year, it means the whole region will be on the verge of a new era of tension and loss of confidence in peace,” he said.

He also criticised Israeli settlement expansion and the recent military assaults in the Gaza Strip aimed at stopping Palestinian rocket fire on Israeli towns.

The Palestinian president called on Arab leaders to renew the endorsement of the Arab peace initiative, pressuring Israel to stop settelement expansion, remove road blocks and lift the siege on Gaza.

Assad warned that Arab countries may have to seek alternatives to a 2002 Arab peace plan if Israel continues to refuse to accept it.

The proposal offers Israel full peace with Arab nations if it withdraws from Arab lands and allows the creation of a Palestinian state.

“The question is: Do we leave the peace process and initiatives hostage to the whims of successive Israeli governments, or do we search for choices and substitutes that can achieve a just and comprehensive peace?” Assad said.

Lindsay Lohan’s last film was called I Know Who Killed Me, and it was so bad that the 17 people who saw it nearly died at the box office. True story.

Now the Crotch of Fire will be starring in another murder-filled flick.

Lohan has been tapped to play Nancy Pittman, one of Charles Manson’s cult followers, in the upcoming film Manson Girls, according to E!.

Since Lindsay Lohan, 21, has had serious troubles with the law and just completed rehab, “the production company is insuring her for the film,” a source told E!

Manson Girl

Lindsay Lohan will make her film return in Manson Girls.

In other news, on Sunday, Lindsay Lohan’s 67-year-old grandmother suffered minor injuries after driving her car into a tree and pole on Long Island.

Recent reports of Lindsay herself colliding with a pole (belonging to Calum Best) are untrue, as the grainy cellphone picture of some chick polishing the knob of some dude turned out not to be the troubled celebrity after all. Sad.

Peeps used to pay thousands of dollars just to see Ashley Dupre naked, and we’ve already seen America’s most famous hooker in the buff online!

Well, sort of.

Either way, it’s a huge waste of money – but nothing compared to what a certain magazine is willing to shell out for Ashley’s most famous patron.

Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer may have lost his office after being caught up in a federal investigation of the prostitution ring Emperor’s Club VIP, but he’s been offered another gig — posing nude in Playgirl magazine.

“His sex appeal lies in being a successful businessman and politician,” the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Nicole Caldwell, tells Us Weekly. “Women like a guy who is in control, and a man who knows what he wants.”

Eliot Spitzer Pic

THG NOTE: This is a man who wants to throw away his career, self-respect, wife and three daughters by having sex with a hooker – without a condom no less.

In any case, Caldwell posted an open letter on Playgirl’s blog last week asking for Eliot Spitzer nude – for the disgraced official to “strut his sexuality” and receive “a very attractive offer” of payment in return.

She said that while she’s not “at liberty to say an exact [price] quote, but we would certainly be willing to pay him handsomely!”

Eliot Spitzer has not answered the call (”I know he’s difficult to reach,” Caldwell said), but Caldwell already has some ideas for the photo shoot.

“We would like to put [Eliot Spitzer] in the Governor’s mansion, a business-like atmosphere,” Caldwell says, adding that an Ashley Alexandra Dupre look-alike might appear in the shoot “wearing a Girls Gone Wild t-shirt.”

What about the famous socks, that Eliot Spitzer reportedly insisted on wearing while getting his freak on with Ashley Alexandra Dupre?

“Maybe we’d keep him in socks to start, but no woman wants a man in socks the whole time,” Caldwell admits

Kate Moss is garnering headlines once again – and not for her cocained use, waifish appearance or the antics of her idiot, drug-addict boyfriends.

Photos of a nude Kate Moss and of Gisele Bundchen naked are set to be auctioned off at Christie’s with an estimated price tag of $3 million.

That’s $3 million more than the (HOT!) one posted below… although the ones being auctioned off may be of slightly higher quality.

For sale: Naked Kate Moss and Gisele Bundchen nude . Nice. Very nice.

According to reports, “The collection includes nude portraits of models Kate Moss and Gisele Bundchen, and an image of Brigitte Bardot. Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon and Irving Penn are among the photographers.”

The images, which come from the collection of German-born Gert Elfering, go on sale at Christie’s in New York on April 10. You can either book a flight to Germany or peep our gallery of Gisele Bundchen photos. Your call!

Either way, you’ll like what you see… but that’s as close as you’re gonna get. Only Tom Brady gets to see the real deal up close and personal. Jackass.

The Kate Bosworth sex scene with Jim Sturgess for their new movie, 21, is pretty hot. Just don’t ask Kate for too many the details.

“We were both so drunk,” the actress star said. “Jim and I became such good friends, we decided to have a couple of drinks, loosen up and go for it.”

The on-set action is also pretty vague for Jim Sturgess.

“We were on Grey Goose, I think,” said the British actor. “It was brilliant for about half and an hour. As we continued to drink … it just became sloppy and messy. I couldn’t stand up at one point.”

One wonders if she takes the same approach with boyfriend James Rousseau.

Pretty Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth remembers little of this Kate Bosworth nude scene.

The rail-thin actress would be probably pretty easy to liquor up, you would probably think, although you might be surprised – Sturgess recently told Marie Claire in an interview that Bosworth can actually “drink anyone under the table.”

“Get a couple in her, and she’s definitely a very fun and crazy girl,” echoed another of Kate’s 21 co-stars, Josh Gad.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy started his first official visit to the UK – the day after it was reported that an auction house is to sell Carla Bruni nude pictures.

How’s that for great political timing!

Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni (now officially Carla Bruni-Sarkozy), who married in February, were greeted by the Prince of Wales and by the Duchess of Cornwall after the presidential plane landed in London Wednesday.

The French president’s schedule included a full state banquet at Windsor Castle on Wednesday night, where he is staying as the guest of the queen.

On Wednesday afternoon, Sarkozy addressed both British Houses of Parliament in French and discussed many important matters of state.

But away from the politics, Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife was attracting as much, if not more, attention than her husband during the two-day visit.

The famous auction house Christie’s is to sell nude photographs of former model Bruni-Sarkozy, taken by Michel Comte in 1993, in New York next month.

Yes, we are talking about Carla Bruni naked, people. Check it out …

Carla Bruni Naked

With Carla Bruni naked photos on the verge of auction, the Associated Press quoted the French president’s office as saying the sale of thepics is a private matter.

Kate Moss nude and Gisele Bundchen nude photos are also nearing the same auction block, but it’s Carla Bruni – the new, hot wife of the French President – who has been attracting even attention of celebrity news and mainstream media.

For its part, the UK media has covered the French president’s divorce, and courtship of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, and subsequent marriage, in great depth, with several using her visit as reason to reprint images from her modeling career.

Continue reading this article on CNN

Minnesota Timberwolves star Marko Jaric is “over the moon” about his new love, Victoria’s Secret supermodel Adriana Lima. But don’t believe celebrity gossip that he’s shopping for engagement rings. At least not yet.

The couple have been dating for the last six months, but Marko Jaric says he was perplexed by recent celebrity news sites’ reports talking about him checking out local jewelry stores for a rock for Adriana Lima.

“I am not shopping right now,” the 29-year-old Serbian Sensation said.

“But I could start tomorrow. I am that close. I’m definitely not yet engaged, but it doesn’t mean we’re not thinking about it.”

Adriana Lima, Marko Jaric

Marko Jaric may not hit many jump shots, but he’s hitting Adriana Lima.

When the time comes, however, the entire process may come as a surprise.

“I would rather keep that my own secret,” says Marko Jaric, who averages a pedestrian 7.7 points and 2.9 rebounds per game career.

“It’s a life decision … a private thing.”

Jaric admits he’s not normally such a romantic, but being with a Brazilian supermodel like Adriana Lima has changed him. Funny how that will do it.

“I was not the person to fall in love easily. I am a difficult person from that standpoint,” he says. “Now, it’s a little different situation.”

Just give it time. This guy is so smitten it’s not even funny. In a few months these two will be engaged just like Jamie Lynn Spears and Casey Aldridge. Watch.


Toymakers are now selling this “Paparazzi Play Set.”

The collection is on sale. Go figure!

You can get this for $19.99. That’s about $19.99 too much.

Do you really want your kids playing with a bunch of paparazzi dolls??????

A fat gay blogger doll would be so much better! Imagine the possibilities they could do with the hair!